The six heroes from this month’s BRAZENS are battling it out to be your Mr. September. Who will get your vote? Each day this week the six heroes are stopping by some awesome blogs to answer both sexy and sweet personal questions; so you can really get a taste of…
Category: Hero Wars

Hero Stats Name: Ricardo Sanchez, Rico Height: Tall Weight: Lean and Mean Strengths: Inhuman strength, speed, and some really big teeth. Also pretty hot with a sword and a laser pistol Weaknesses: beautiful women and impossible jobs Leading Lady: Skylar Rossaria Favorite pastimes: fighting and sex—preferably in that order,…

Hero STATS: Name : Eli/ Elizal Race: Angel Build: Athletic, tall, swimmer’s body Height: 6’6” Weight: Nothing, unless he’s injured and then more than ten men. Strengths: Can move at the speed of thought, read minds, speak all languages, and wield a sword Weaknesses: He loves humans Leading Lady: Emma…

Check out the#HeroWars battle on Twitter! ◊ ◊ ◊ Hero STATS: Name: Osiris, God of the Underworld Build: Large/Muscular/Solid Height: 6’5″ Weight: 250 Strengths: He’s intelligent, caring, devoted, and will do anything to protect Sadie. Weaknesses: He’s borderline possessive, will not admit when he’s wrong, and will smother Sadie in…

Check out the#HeroWars battle on Twitter! ◊ ◊ ◊ Hero STATS: Name: Boone O’Keirna Build: Built like a linebacker (big and muscular) Height: 6’2 Weight: 220 Strengths: Excellent with lasers and hand-to-hand combat, loyal to a fault, piloting ships Weaknesses: Suffers from borderline PTSD when confronted with blades and…