Tag: eReader giveaway

Did you see that 23 (yes, 23!) Entangled authors have joined forces and created an EPIC scavenger hunt for readers going to RT?  Author, Christine Bell, has all the details, listing exactly what you can win and how you can win it, on her blog HERE.   Their prize list is…

Yep, Indulgence turns one TODAY! There’s no way we’re keeping it down, we’re going all out with the celebration! We have a ton of fun stuff planned for everyone, including numerous chances to get your hands on all of our Indulgence books and interact with the authors. The Indulgent Escape…

BRAZEN: the naughty little sister of our Indulgence line.  Brazen publishes steamy category romances that blend young, fresh voices, and explore the more seductive side of modern relationships.    Unleash your inner vixen. And you can do it on your new Sony eReader if you win during the Brazen Launch Celebration…