Favorite Holiday Song:
Adam Sandler, “The Chanukah Song”
Jingle Bells
Favorite Holiday Food:
Favorite Holiday Movie:
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated)
Pretty much every Hallmark holiday movie ever
Are you the type of person who on November 1st…thinks it’s time to break out the Christmas music or thinks It’s not even Thanksgiving yet folks!
Whoa there. Enjoy autumn. Winter holiday decorating should start the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Are you one of those shoppers who has gone through your list and are done shopping well ahead of Christmas or are you elbowing people out of your way on Christmas Eve to finish your shopping?
I can’t with those crowds, so I have to finish up early.
Looking for a great read this holiday season? Check out The Billionaire’s Holiday Engagement by Jenna Bayley-Burke
Hero’s Name: Cameron
Heroine’s Name: Lauren
What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?
He gives her whatever she wants. In this case a tree with twinkle lights, an espresso machine & an ice cream maker. He’s the type that would surprise her with an extra day added onto a business trip for them to just be together.
What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?
She painted his house. “You’re not exactly an easy lay. I mean, I painted your house to get in your pants.” She’s the type to put on an elaborate themed romantic evening, which he’d love.
Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?
Over the piano.
Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.
The tendril of her hair slipped off Cameron’s finger as he moved his hand to the side of her face. She turned her cheek into his warm palm and closed her eyes as the pad of his thumb rubbed across her bottom lip.
“You have the most perfect lips. Soft, succulent pink. When you’re thinking, you bite your bottom lip and it drives me crazy.”
Lauren trembled at the words, his heated breath spreading across her face. He must be moving closer, must be thinking of all the ways she wanted him to enjoy her mouth.
“When you lick your lips I want it to be me. Hell, even watching you eat turns me on.”
The sound of his voice, scent of him in the warm air of the car threatened to overload her senses so she didn’t dare open her eyes. Dazed by the chemistry flowing between them, Lauren leaned forward until her lips found his, her hands drifted to his body, one palming his wool-clad thigh, the other gripping his silk tie to keep him where she needed him.
In his kiss she tasted a desire so electric it melted her inhibitions. Soft as a question at first, but her answer was obvious to them both. He captured her lips, nibbled, sucked with a passion she’d only read about.
In an instant she lost all sense of time or place, exchanging kisses that taunted and tempted, diving into a sea of longing that threatened to drown them both.
But what a way to go.
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