Under the Mistletoe with Jodi Linton

Under Mistletoe
My name is Jodi Linton, and I write kick-ass, southern contemporary romances. At the moment I’m the author of the Deputy Laney Briggs Series that follows a sassy cowgirl and her dirty-talking Texas Ranger out in Pistol Rock, Texas. I’m a home grown Texas gal from a small town butting up next to the Red River. But now, my husband and I call the Austin area home with our two kids and white fluffy cat. And yeah, I might have a slight addiction when it comes to buying cowboy boots.

Favorite Holiday Song: Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

Favorite Holiday Food: Rum cake

What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

My husband is a school teacher which makes the holidays really nice since he gets two weeks off. We always enjoy having the family time to rest and relax with each other.

What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

I grew up in north Texas, but after spending ten years in the Austin area the cold weather makes my teeth chatter. Also, I’m not too into big family meals. If it was up to me I’d rather have a steak or grilled chicken over turkey and stuffing.

About Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy

Hero’s Name: Gunner Wilson

Heroine’s Name: Laney Briggs

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

If Gunner Wilson wanted to get Laney Briggs’ red cowboy boots dancing he’d wrap up a six pack of Shiner beer and a Heinie Lady Hawk pistol. She always enjoys spending alone time with him at their house, and lately she’s hinted at maybe needing a new gun. Or, Laney would probably settle for her cowboy shirtless and under the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree.

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

To make her man even more charming Laney Briggs would buy him a denim pearl snap from the local Western Store in Odessa, Texas. Even though Laney gets a little more than hot and bothered seeing Gunner Wilson strut around in a tight pair of Wranglers and black T-shirt, she also thinks he should dress it up when attending church and family dinners. And she wouldn’t forget to stuff his stocking with his favorite whiskey Johnnie Walker Black. Something special Laney’s been doing for Gunner over the past nine years.

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

I have a pretty good hunch Gunner would hang the mistletoe smack dab in the middle of their old farmhouse porch. That way every time he got off work he could greet Laney with a knee-buckling kiss.

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

I tossed a boot behind the couch. “If it was a contest, I’d
say you’re probably a better shot than he is.”

His chin shot up, his brown eyes narrowed all hot and
sensual when I sent a significant look from his gun to his
zipper, and then he was on the prowl. “What you’re forgetting
is that there isn’t any contest.” His voice ran smooth and
rough. He stopped directly in front of me, crouched low
enough to wrap both hands around the nape of my neck,
and tipped my chin upward with a thumb. “There’s a reason
you keep coming back for more.” He tugged on my neck,
closing the gap between our mouths. “Maybe it’s time for a

His mouth grazed mine, and my lips automatically
parted, begging for his kiss. My neck fell to the side, itching
for attention, while my legs eagerly spread wider, inviting
those Wranglers home.

“I’m in no mood to play…” I gasped, as he torturously
brushed his lips across my neck while I cupped his tight,
sweet ass. He brought his mouth back to mine, close enough
so I could feel his breath on my lips, pulling away every time
I went after a kiss. “Come on, Gunner. Stop teasing me.”

He nuzzled my tank top away from my chest, inhaling,
gently kissing my skin. “When have I ever been easy on you,
Laney?” he mumbled, working his lips and teeth underneath
the fabric and up to my shoulder. “You want to see how fast
I can make you come?” He nipped at my chin.

A moan escaped my lips. Dear Lord, was this cowboy
a killer. Eyelashes frantically fluttering and hands reaching
desperately for relief trying to get those ass-hugging
Wranglers open, I gave him a devilish grin, begging him to
show me what he could do.




Find out more about Whatcha Gonna Do With A Cowboy

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