Hometown Cooking with Callie Hutton

Hometown Cooking
Merry Christmas everyone!

I’m happy to share a recipe with you today that will probably have you cursing me when you step on the scale. The title itself “Christmas Crack” gives you an idea of how addictive it is. But – if you only make it during the holidays (okay, I know Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day . . .) Well, you just have to show some discipline here.

• Boil 1 cup of butter with 1 cup brown sugar, about 3-5 minutes until it pulls from the sides.

• Line a cookie sheet with foil and spray it with pam. Line the sheet with 1 sleeve of saltines.

• Pour the butter/sugar mix on top and bake in a 375 oven for 7 minutes. Take it out and put 12 oz. bag of Chocolate chips on top and return to oven (oven off) just to melt.

• Spread the melted chips with a knife. Cool, then put it in the fridge for 3 hours to set. Then crack it up with your hands.

• DELISH and very addicting!




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