Tag: Cari Quinn

  Game for Tonight by Karen Erickson Mouth-wateringly-hot pro football player Flynn Foley makes publicist Aubrey imagine all kinds of X-rated fantasies. All it takes is one game-changing play―and one night―to turn the tables from business to very, very personal. When the media catches wind of their naughty little liaison,…

    Tempted by His Best Friend by Cari Quinn Kindergarten teachers aren’t known for breaking the rules, but Steph is ready to go undercover—and get under the covers—to work her magic on her best friend, Landon. Sexy costume necessary, multiple orgasms crucial, ral identity optional. Read Chapter One Read…

The blog tours for Brazen’s August releases have kicked off! Join authors Katee Robert, Cari Quinn, and Nina Croft as they share interviews, guest posts, excerpts, and kickass giveaways with you guys! You could win some amazing prizes including gift cards, signed copies, a name-the-star-kit, and even an “adult” prize…

  This week we played a little game with y’all called Guess That Book. We posted 3 different quotes from the 3 upcoming Brazen releases and asked you to try and match up the quote to the book. Your responses were awesome… and surprisingly a ton were spot on. The teasing is…