#IShipIt with Julie Particka


I’ve seen a lot of ships about characters who have been a couple, but what really gets me are the character combos that haven’t. Or at least, haven’t yet. The kind where the tension is there in the lingering glances and the subtle touches.


I know you know who I’m talking about. Two beloved characters in the longest running fantasy show on TV. The story of a human and the angel who saves him from hell… Destiel








Castiel doesn’t even pretend that his heart, soul, and grace belong to anyone other than Dean. It’s the unrequited love lingering in their friendship and partnership that colors every interaction.


Happy sigh…who wouldn’t want someone who feels this way about them? No matter how broken Dean becomes, Cas never gives up on him.




And there are the bits like this, where even Cas gets that look of frustration. He’s right with the audience in the just kiss already cheering section.




What I love about the other half of this handsome couple is that Dean will deny his feelings for Castiel while at the same time, displaying them over and over in the things he says and does. I mean, prior to Cas, Dean didn’t believe in angels at all, much less prayer.




But even though he won’t admit exactly how much Castiel means to him, Dean doesn’t even pretend they aren’t in it for life (and afterlife)





But as a fan, I have to say that my favorite part of Destiel is how Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles completely play along, both on set and off.








Vicky, the heroine of Blackmailed by the Hero might be a Destiel fan, but if I’m honest she’s going to be more drawn to characters who epitomize what she wants to be. Fiercely independent, strong, but still vulnerable. And she’s going to want that woman to have a man who appreciates all those things about her. So, sticking with the supernatural theme, I think Vicky would be a hard-core Chluci (seriously, this is apparently the most used name…) Yes, while I’m all about the morally-compromised angel, she’s all about Satan trying to make good.




The sexual tension between these two is so hot, I have to support her choice. I mean, the level of sass Chloe Decker throws at Lucifer is immense.




But Lucifer doesn’t care. In fact, he seems to really like that Chloe never takes any of his nonsense. And while he wants to “protect” her, deep down, he knows that she doesn’t really need him.




And he’s totally willing to admit the effect she has on him.




But a woman like Vicky loves banter. So she’d be totally drawn to the kind of back and forth that defines Lucifer and Chloe’s relationship.





Check out Blackmailed by the Hero by Julie Particka, on sale for only 99¢ for a limited time!




The wrong bed. The wrong guy. 


Party planner Vicky Stone is on a post-divorce mission. Not only does she intend to land her dream promotion, she’s going to indulge in a night of hot hook-up sex. Preferably with the hunky actor she just met at a work function, no-fraternization rules be damned. Fortunately, his drunken directions included a right that should have been a left, landing her in bed with her brother’s extra-hot, extra-off-limits best friend instead of the unemployment line.


And, oh, he feels good. Too good.


Bad boy Dante Palladino’s forbidden fantasies are about to come true…until Vicky realizes who she’s feeling up. And to find out she risked her job for sex with some loser? Not on his watch. Dante throws down the ultimate, albeit self-serving, blackmail. Vicky will date him—and only him—and her secret will be safe. But Vicky swore never to fall for another guy who could break her heart…and Dante’s on course to do just that.





Julie Particka was told to get serious about her future in Junior High. Several years after getting a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, she realized being serious was over-rated and went back to her first love–writing. Now rather than spending her days in the drudgery of the lab or teaching science to high school students, she disappears into worlds of her own creation where monsters sometimes roam, but true love still conquers all. She can most often be located in the Detroit area with her favorite minions (the ones who know her as Mom) where she is currently hatching a plot for world domination. It involves cookies for everyone, so she’s pretty sure there’s no way it can fail…except the minions keep eating the cookies.


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