Happy #ThrowbackThursday Readers!
Today, we’re remembering our teen crushes. You now, the heartthrobs you had pictures of plastered all over your room? Sigh. Young love.
Here is a countdown of the boys that stole our young hearts!
5. Freddie Prinze Junior
Oh Freddie. He was a staple in the ’90s teen rom-com. If he starred in the movie, we were there to see it. From She’s All That to Down to You, that smile made our heart race every single time.
You know you totally wanted to be sitting next to him at graduation. (We are SO the girl sitting behind him.)
We’re coming Freddie… Or how about a little serenade. *sigh* We can’t get enough of your love either Freddie.
4. Sean Patrick Thomas
Holy mother of hotness. We’re pretty sure Sean melted ALL the movie screens. He had the moves, the sexiness, and he totally starred in nearly all of our teenage dreams. Wait…TMI.
Not gonna lie, we *may* have tried to learn to dance after watching his moves in Save the Last Dance. If only our dance teacher had been this hot, maybe…just maybe we’d have learned to use our two left feet.
Sigh. Another talent we learned we did NOT have. Yup, we totally tried the cello. Once again, our teacher was not as inspiring as Sean. Things may not have worked out with the cello, but at least we developed a deeper love of the arts thanks to Sean, right?
3. Rider Strong
We admit it, we were total TGIF junkies and stayed in many Friday nights just to watch Boy Meets World. This show guided us through so many life situations. And Sean…oh my Sean. It was love at first sight. He was the bad boy, the boy from the wrong side of town, the screw-up. Only he was so much more. And that HAIR!
It’s true, we had pictures of Rider plastered all over our walls. We even cut out our own to place right next to him before Photoshop was a thing. We were so ahead of our time.
YESSSSSSSSS! Wait, sorry. We thought he was asking us. Carry on.
2.Joshua Jackson
Sorry Dawson, Pacey was the true man of the creek. Pacey’s Creek. Has a good ring to it, don’t you think? He was funny, loyal, and not as self-absorbed as some people *cough Dawson*.
Come on, who can resist that smile? It’s so warm and inviting. Just look at his eyes light up as he looks at us…wait, what?
Pacey bought a wall before buying a wall became a thing (sorry Emmett, you totally took this from Pacey’s playbook). We’re pretty sure Pacey wrote the book on romantic gestures.
And he remembered EVERYTHING. (Pretty sure Dawson couldn’t remember Joey’s favorite ice cream flavor…just saying).
1. Jonathan Taylor Thomas
Our first crush ever. JT was everything. He had a smile that made your heart flutter, he was smart, socially aware, totally ahead of his time. He was woke before woke was a thing.
Just look at that smirk. How could you NOT fall for it? That smirk broke hearts across the globe.
That smirk only got hotter with age.
And hotter… Please come down our chimney Santa!
Call us JT!
And there you have it. These are the teen heartthrobs that helped us through our middle and high school years. They were the reason we didn’t date much during our teen years. They set the bar for boyfriends too high.
Who were your teenage crushes? Let us know in the comments or come chat with us on Twitter!
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