Fact: I’ve never once watched an entire episode of The Bachelor. I’ve watched bits and pieces here and there, while I waited for my DVR to record ahead on the shows I really wanted to watch (Finding Bigfoot and Forensic Files), but I never saw an episode through to its dramatic, angsty end. I was honestly weirded out by the lengths to which the contestants would go to win a man they didn’t even know yet. I mean, it’s not like they were competing for Henry Cavill, right?
So. Anyways. One day I’m in the salon getting a pedi, and The Bachelor is playing on the flat screen, showing reruns. That’s when I got to thinking, what if one of the contestants thought the bachelor was an asshat, but she couldn’t legally quit the show because of some contract schmontract she was bound to? And THEN I thought—OMG, what if they were exes and she hated his ever-loving guts? *insert maniacal laugh here*
Then I remembered the movie How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days. The hero and heroine had different motives. One was trying to turn the other off, and the hero was trying to woo the heroine. Brilliant, indeed. But what if it was all happening on national television for the world to see?
And that’s when How To Lose A Bachelor was born. I literally wrote the first five chapters in three days and sent them to my agent, who is a huge Bachelor fan (but don’t tell her I told you), and she begrudgingly admitted how much she loved the pages. She didn’t want to love it, because I was working on something else that was very different from HTLAB, but she loved it nonetheless, and gave me the green light to write more.
I had an absolute blast writing it, and laughed like a donkey with asthma for a lot of the scenes—so I hope it at least makes you giggle! Enjoy!
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