Confession of an Addict

Hello, my name is Jessica and I’m a category romance addict.

If only there was a place I could gather with people of the same affliction to console me and tell me I’m not alone in my β€œcondition”.Β  Oh wait!Β  There is.Β  Hello romance reader blog.

ThePracticeProposalWorking with Entangled, an array of beautiful covers, catchy titles, and snappy blurbs cross through my inbox and entertain my addiction day in and day out.Β  You’d think I’d tire of all the awesome? Nope.Β  My digital library grows every week. Neighbors you pretend you aren’t attracted to.Β  Forbidden co-workers you’re not supposed to flirt with. Love-hate relationships that sway to love right before your eyes. I’m a junkie for them all.

But we all have that one trope that just rings our bell.Β Β  The one plot you are powerless against. Right? Right?!

The marriage of convenience plot has reigned supreme in my heart and on my eReader. Yup, I’m a complete sucker when it comes to the pretend I DO because it’ll get the hero and heroine just what they need.

Falling For Her FianceMy latest foray into my favorite trope was with Tracy March’s The Practice Proposal.Β  Hot baseball first baseman Cole is auctioned off to Liza in the name of charity. He quickly realizes Liza isn’t fawning all over herself for his stellar looks and wiry charm.Β  This just won’t do (as much as he absolutely loves the challenge of the situation) and he quickly devises a plan she won’t be able to pass up for the charity she’s so attached to.Β  The banter between Cole and Liza is so playful that I had a smile plastered on my face the whole book.

The BLISS line is packed full (Falling for Her FiancΓ©, Three River Ranch) of heartwarming stories of love that start off as an arrangement but turn into something so much more. The character growth and tender moments melt my insides!

FakingIt-500pxThe BRAZEN release Game for Marriage and INDULGENCE Faking It get my blood pumping for entirely different reasons, and in entirely different parts of my body.Β  What?! This is safe place, right? πŸ˜‰Β Β  I can’t resist it when the guy jumps at the first excuse to attach himself to his heroine.Β  Whatever the circumstances – needing to get his football contract renewed, or whether to help the heroine out of an impossible situation at work.Β Β  The reasons may change from book to book, but the results are the same.Β  Fantastically problematic situations that transform to heart-thumping romance. I love them all.


Now it’s your turn to share.Β  Tell us which trope is your favorite (at the moment, anyway) and you’ll be entered to win 3 Entangled backlist* books of your choice… to help you with your habit.Β  We’re helpful that way.


*Any title released before February 2013

*** this giveaway is now over***

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19 Replies on Confession of an Addict

  • Jessica, I’m THRILLED that Three River Ranch got a mention in your post – it’s the first marriage-of-convenience book I’ve written but I doubt it will be my last!

    My favorite tropes change with whatever I’m reading or writing at the moment (so many fun situations, so little time…) I’m working on an “engagement-of-convenience” story right now and wow, I’m having a great time with it.

  • My favorite is probably the reunited or second chance lovers stories. I love it when people can find their happy ending after not being together and thinking they couldn’t make it work. I also love the friends to lovers stories. There is already such trust in the relationship. I have a Three River Ranch story in my queue I have to read and review for Fresh Fiction still! I need to get on that because it sounds so good!

  • I love marriage of convenience (in all categories, but especially historical). I also love cowboys! πŸ™‚ Also a sucker for a good “secret baby.”

  • Three River Ranch! That was a great one as was Wife for Hire. I’m noticing that I gravitate toward the hurting hero and the fiesty heroine who helps him get his groove back types. His Reluctant Rancher and Chasing Mrs. Right were both really good ones for this. πŸ™‚

  • Enemies to lovers reigns in my heart. From Pride and Prejudice to the Parasol Protectorate. Who can resist Beauty and the Beast??

  • Great question!
    Well, I think I’m more of an “opposites attract” kind of a girl.
    And I am a bit of a sucker for a secret baby story. Which is weird, because that just screams Jerry Springer to me, but in romance fiction, it seems to work!

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