Teaser Tuesday: Getting Lucky Number Seven by Cindi Madsen

We are so excited about Getting Lucky Number Seven by Cindi Madsen releasing today that we had to share a little teaser.


Don’t forget it’s on sale for $.99 this week only!

Beck slipped his thumb underneath the hem of my shirt. “After that discussion back there, I think we better add you wearing a lab coat and nothing else to our list of sex to-dos.”

I slowed my pace. “Just remember, you pretty much asked for this.”

His eyebrows ticked together.

“Did you hear about the physician and the biologist who went on a date?”

“No,” he said, drawing out the word, amusement starting to replace the confusion.

“Think about it. You know the punch line.”

The corners of his mouth twitched—he always liked to pretend he was too cool for science jokes, but I knew better.

I turned and ran my finger down his chest. “Say it.”

Beck shook his head, the smile he’d been fighting breaking free. “The kinky shit you’re into.”

I laughed and shoved him. Then, when he still hadn’t said anything, I raised my eyebrows and put my hands on my hips.

He sighed. “There was no chemistry.”

I clapped and got the crinkly-eyed smile, complete with sexy indention in his cheek. He crooked his finger and I moved closer, wrapping my arms around his waist as he leaned in for a kiss.

“Let’s get you into a room and conduct our own chemistry experiment,” he said against my lips. “Or maybe we’ll just find a table to bend you over, since chemists do it on a table…periodically.”

“Mmm. I love when you talk nerdy to me.”

 Get your copy for just $.99!


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Getting Lucky Number Seven by Cindi Madsen

About Getting Lucky Number Seven:

What’s your lucky number?

Lyla Wilder is done being the shy, chemistry nerd extraordinaire. While every other college student is out having fun, Lyla is studying. With her cat. Well, she’s played it “safe” quite enough, thank you. So she creates a “College Bucket List”―with item #7 being a night of uninhibited, mind-blowing sex…
But she needs some help from her man-whore best friend.
Hockey player Beck Davenport thought Lyla’s transformation would be subtle. Man, was he wrong. With every item she ticks off, Beck finds himself growing seriously hot for his sweet, brainiac best friend. And if he’s not careful, he’ll end up risking their friendship in order to convince Lyla that he might just be her lucky #7…

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