Under the Mistletoe with D.R. Graham

Under Mistletoe
Happy holidays! My name is Danielle. I write both Young Adult and New Adult novels under the name D.R. Graham. My first book with Entangled Publishing will release this January and the second will release in April. I write romantic contemporary and historical stories that include everything from bikers and cowboys, to search and rescue heroes and World War II fighter pilots. I strive to create book boyfriends for everyone.

Favorite Holiday Song: Rudolph, because everyone has something that makes them special.

Favorite Holiday Food: Chocolate. Every day is a holiday, right?

What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

I love spending time with the family, either at our cottage, or on the mountain snow shoeing.

What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

I don’t love the short winter days. I live in Canada and during the summer it stays light outside past ten o’clock at night. In the winter, it can get dark as early as four o’clock. On the bright side, it gives us more time to snuggle up next to the fire with a great book.


Hero’s Name: Cain

Heroine’s Name: Lincoln

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

The perfect gift for Cain to give Lincoln would be a bracelet with a charm of the Eiffel Tower.

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

The perfect gift for Lincoln to give Cain would be an acoustic guitar because she promised to teach him how to play.

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

They would definitely hang the mistletoe in the tour bus.

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

When she turned, I grabbed the collar of her coat and pulled her in to my chest. She gasped as I dropped my head down and pressed my lips against hers. She seemed stunned at first and it took a second before she opened her mouth and kissed me back. Once she did, blood rushed through my veins. She grabbed my neck and I pushed her against the railing to kiss her harder. Her lips were cold from the winter air but warmed as we made out.

Eventually, I leaned back and checked her expression. She appeared to be in shock  her eyes were stuck in a wide open state and her mouth was locked in the same position it had been in while we kissed. I glanced around at the other people on the platform then back at Lincoln. She blinked slowly and it looked like her brain was trying to process what just happened. Her expression made me laugh.

“There is no way that you’ve never kissed a boy before,” I said.

“I swear to God I haven’t,” she whispered.

“Well, then you’re pretty good at it.”




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