Our Florida Family Goes Skiing with Linda Bond

For my birthday this year, my husband did something very special.  He flew all of our kids (we have 5) to Salt Lake City, Utah to go skiing.  It’s hard these days to get all of our kids together as some have moved out. Most of my kids had never seen snow, and it had been a decade since my husband and I put on those clunky ski boots and hit the slick slopes. We knew we were in for a family adventure.


Interestingly, while we were in the beautiful Wasatch Mountains, Salt Lake City experienced a heat wave and Tampa, Florida a near freeze. Figures! So, our slopes were slushy and mushy and sometimes a mess. Which kind of made it more fun in terms of laughable moments.


Funniest one – when my 14-year-old athlete, who is good at every sport she tries, came flying down the main run of the mountain at Brighton, eyes wide, out of control.  My husband, who kept waiting for her to slow down, caught her speedy run through the crowd on his cell phone.  She flies past the popular restaurant, around a corner and ends up smacking into a snowbank. Luckily it resulted in giggles not gashes.    Here’s the video of her rapid run. She’s the fast one in black.



From tubing to snowmobiling, the vacation was a blast, bringing our family memories that will last. I even got a little writing time in at one of the most beautiful locations I’ve ever seen, perched high atop a mountain at Snowbird.  Really breathtaking and inspiring.



I am an admitted adrenaline junkie, so flying down mountains with my Florida feet is just my style.





These kinds of adventures inspired my romantic thriller Alive at 5. Set in Florida, during an adventure vacation, I take my readers sky diving, swimming with the sharks, underground cave diving and streaking through the air in a USAF Thunderbird F16. All while a killer is undercover making murder look like accidental deaths.  It’s a heart-stopping adventure.  I hope you enjoy the Alive at 5 thrill ride!  For more fun and adventure visit www.lindabond.com


Be sure to grab Alive at 5 by Linda Bond for only 99¢ for a limited time!



Romance. Adventure. Thrills. Murder…


TV news reporter Samantha Steele is one panic attack away from losing her job. Future on the line and cameraman in tow, she follows her mentor on an exhilarating adventure vacation. When he dies while skydiving, her investigative instincts scream “murdered”, and lead her to gorgeous thrill-seeker Zack Hunter.

Zack is an undercover police officer investigating his uncle’s death through the same adventure vacation company. Samantha is a thorn in his side the moment they meet. Not only is she investigating the same case, but the emotionally wounded loner doesn’t want another partner, especially one whose goal is to splash evidence all over the evening news. But Samantha’s persistence is quite a turn-on, and Zack’s overpowering desire makes it harder for him to push her away.

When the killer turns his attention to Zack, Samantha might be the only one who can save him, forcing the anxiety-riddled correspondent to finally face her greatest fear.






Linda Bond is an Emmy award winning journalist by day and an author of romantic adventures by night. She’s also the mother of five, four athletes and an adopted son from Cuba. She has a passion for world travel, classic movies, and alpha males. Linda currently lives in Florida, where the sun always shines and the day begins with endless possibilities. You can become a Bond girl and share in her continuing adventures at www.lindabond.com.



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