Under the Mistletoe with Tracy March

Under Mistletoe
I’m a split personality author, writing romantic thrillers influenced by my interest in science and politics, and lighthearted romances inspired by my real-life happily ever after.

Always up for travel and adventure, I’ve flown in a stunt plane, snowmobiled on the Continental Divide, ziplined in the Swiss Alps, and been chased by a bull in the mountains of St. Lucia. I love Nationals baseball, Saturday date nights, and Dairy Queen Blizzards—and rarely go a day without Diet Coke and Cheez-Its.

I live in Yorktown, Virginia, with my superhero husband who works for NASA.

Favorite Holiday Song: O Holy Night, especially when it’s sung by a tenor.

Favorite Holiday Food: My mom’s special vanilla fudge that she makes for me every Christmas. I look forward to savoring that one batch a year!

What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

The pretty decorations always put me in a festive mood. I enjoy looking at people’s Christmas trees, and seeing how they make them personal and special. Most people’s trees tell a story, and they’re so fun to hear.

What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?


About A Shot of Red

Hero’s Name: Gio Lorenzo

Heroine’s Name: Mia Moncure

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

Gio would give Mia her own motorcycle helmet since she had to borrow one for their first sexy ride. A helmet for Mia equals more sexy rides together!

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

Mia would give Gio a Breitling watch to represent all the special times they’d had in the past, and all the incredible ones to come.

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

Gio and Mia would secretly hang some mistletoe over Gio’s motorcycle because they shared their first forbidden kiss while they were on it. That kiss began their crazy-hot romance.

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

Gio eased the motorcycle into Mia’s driveway, stopped, cut the engine, and set the kickstand. He stood and took off his gloves and helmet, his dark hair wild and tousled. Mia’s stomach fluttered at the sight of him, his dark eyes glinting in the moonlight. She fussed with the chin strap of her helmet just to have something else to focus on.

“Let me help you with that.” He hung his helmet on the handlebar, hoisted one of his long legs over the bike, and sat facing her.

Gio had been magnetic, even with his back to her. But facing her, he was irresistible. Her insides were a knot of nerves and excitement…and expectation? Was he experiencing the raw chemistry she was feeling?

He tried to unclasp her chin strap, but had difficulty with the catch. Leaning in, he took a closer look. “Enjoy the ride?” he asked, his lips mere inches from hers.

“More than I even imagined I would,” she said softly.

The strap loosened and she tipped her chin with the shifting weight of the helmet. Her lips brushed his ever so lightly and he drew back. Mia’s heart clamored as he captivated her with his questioning gaze, and she willed herself not to look away. He gently swept his fingertips along her jawline, threaded his fingers through her hair, and pulled her toward him. Her helmet fell to the ground as his lips met hers—strong, supple, and searching.

Mia melted into his kiss, alive with anticipation and overcome with an aching need she hadn’t realized was there. A cool night breeze rustled the shrubs in the nearby hedge, and she shivered. Gio clutched her waist, lifted her onto him as if she were nearly weightless, and wrapped his jacket around her. His lips never left hers, each slow sweep of his tongue seducing her senseless.

He braced his feet on the ground as she straddled him, one hand around his neck with a fistful of his silky dark hair, the other stroking his sandpapery cheek. She’d never pictured herself in a position like this—but that made her even more into it. Her blood ran hot, pulsing through her as if it carried sparks. She shifted on his lap and his breath hitched—maybe the sexiest sound she’d ever heard.

“Gio,” she said breathlessly, liking the sound of his name on her lips. “Let’s go inside.”




Find out more about A Shot of Red

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