Revealing covers is one of our favorite things to do, and we’ve had some amazing ones to date.  New York has nothing on Entangled Publishing!  We strive to accomplish a couple of things with each cover we produce.

  • Instant aesthetic appeal
  • Evocative imagery
  • Series branding
  • Originality
  • Capturing tone, mood, and theme

Let me tell you, finding just the right images, color, and elements to make a cover pop isn’t a piece of cake.  In fact, it’s often quite challenging.  Lots of going back and forth, discussing concepts, author ideas, editor ideas, market research, artistic point of view…  You get the picture.

One of our very exciting upcoming releases (December) is the amazing Jane Kindred’s The Fallen Queen, an epic fantasy with romantic elements that kicks off her The House of Arkhangel’sk series.  Between you and me, this book has already garnered the attention of foreign rights and film agents (not to mention piquing the interest of Dear Author).  

With good reason.

Just take a look at this amazing quote by Lynn Flewelling (In case you don’t know who Lynn is, she’s the author of two internationally acclaimed fantasy series: the Nightrunner books and Tamír Triad):

 “Jane Kindred’s The House of Arkhangel’sk dazzles with its surreal blending of worlds. Lost angel Anazakia, last survivor of her murdered family, finds herself in the hands of demons with suspect motives, betrayed by her own kind, stranded in the world of Man—21st century St. Petersburg, Russia, to be exact. Weaving startling visuals with compelling characters, Kindred reveals parallels in the two worlds that are ‘neither haphazard chance nor calculated design.’ It’s a dizzying, vibrant read.”

~ Lynn Flewelling, author of The Bone Doll’s Twin and the ‘Nightrunner’ series

And now, without futher ado, here is the cover and the blurb for The Fallen Queen!

Heaven can go to hell.

Until her cousin slaughtered the supernal family, Anazakia’s father ruled the Heavens, governing noble Host and Fallen peasants alike. Now Anazakia is the last grand duchess of the House of Arkhangel’sk, and all she wants is to stay alive.

Hunted by Seraph assassins, Anazakia flees Heaven with two Fallen thieves—fire demon Vasily and air demon Belphagor, each with their own nefarious agenda—who hide her in the world of Man. The line between vice and virtue soon blurs, and when Belphagor is imprisoned, the unexpected passion of Vasily warms her through the Russian winter.

Heaven seems a distant dream, but when Anazakia learns the truth behind the celestial coup, she will have to return to fight for the throne—even if it means saving the man who murdered everyone she loved.

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