Taking All the Broken Girls on the Road with Linda Bond


My bucket list trip:  visit Greece and those gorgeous Greek islands. Rome, too. My husband and I, along with his best friend and his wife, planned the most magnificent Mediterranean cruise to depart in summer of 2020. We shaved our money. Planned the trip down to the very fine details and then… well, we all know what a s*** show 2020 was. Never did get to take that cruise in 2020. Or in 2021.  But I never lost faith. 

Just like I never lost faith in my writing. Sometimes the things you want most are just out of reach – for a while. Doesn’t mean you should give up. 

We finally got to take that cruise in June of 2022. I knew I’d be busy with pre book launch stuff but that didn’t stop me from taking that dream vacation.  NO!  We’d saved our money – and bided our time. What to do? I needed to be promoting my new release. So I took advanced reading copies on that cruise, hoping people I met along the way would help me promote a book I took a year to write. 

And guess what?  They did. No one said no. Quite remarkable. I want to share pictures of a great vacation and also a great way to introduce my writing to new readers from all across the world. 

Here are a few of my favorite pics of my new book ATBG in my bucket list trip locations with my new international friends.  

Our ice cream vendor in Rome, Italy.


Our tour guide in Sicily, Italy. 


Gabriella Dinardo  Santorini, Greece 


Bridget Sparano @BridgetSparano Santorini, Greece 


A model on a photo shoot Santorini, Greece 


The author – that’s me! – in Santorini, Greece 


Stephanie Crinklaw in Kusadasi, Turkey


@INESSERRAANO AND @ALEJANDRAMNZZ and friends at the Acropolis, in Athens, Greece 


A lovely lady enjoying a wine tasting and a delicious read in MyKonos, Greece

Me with my UGA shirt on and my evil eye book in front of some evil eye art in Athens, Greece.







When one falls

Crime reporter Mari Alvarez was never able to solve her mother’s murder ten years ago. But when a woman is gunned down on the doorstep of her West Tampa neighborhood, Mari can’t shake the eerie sense of connection.

The others will break

Now there have been two murders in two days. Each crime scene awash with arcane clues—and without a trace of DNA from the killer. And for each victim, a doll. The first is missing an eye. The second is missing a heart. But are these clues leading to the killer…or messages for Mari?

And she’s the only one who can protect them…

Caught up in a maelstrom of Old-World superstition, secrets, and ties to her own past, Mari has only one option. Put the puzzle together before someone else dies—even if it destroys her career. But there’s no escaping the hungry spider’s web when it’s been made just for you…




By day, Linda Hurtado Bond is an award-winning journalist for Tampa’s Fox 13. By night, she is an author of romantic thrillers. She has won 13 Emmy awards, numerous Society of Professional Journalist and Associated Press awards, as well as a Florida Bar and an Edward R. Murrow award. She writes the news and writes about those who cover the news. A breast cancer survivor, she’s also active in the Tampa community with The American Cancer Society, Hooked on Hope, and The Shoot for a Cure, raising money and awareness any chance she gets. She’s the mother of five, four athletes and an adopted son from Cuba. She has passion for world travel, classic movies and solving a good mystery. You can follow her Bond-like adventures at lindabond.com or join her newsletter at http://bit.ly/Bondnewsletter

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