Music with Aliyah Burke


I love music. Listen to it daily and always have it playing when I am writing. There isn’t much that I don’t listen to and even if I have preconception that I’m not going to enjoy a certain type, I will give it a chance to see if it is something that I would love to hear again. Sometimes that is a success, other times, not so much.

To me, this feeds my soul. I haven’t put a music list at the back (or front) of any of my books but trust me, they all have soundtracks. Sometimes I am listening to one album for the majority of the time I’m writing a story. Other times, it’s one song for a scene that I put on repeat until I’m finished. And then there are the days where my mind can’t settle on any one thing and I’m moving from Zeppelin to Disney soundtracks to country and more.

I’ll hear a song and more often than not, it’s ‘oh, I could write a story to that song’ and it’s happened. I have a few that are based off a feeling that a song had given me.

I feel it is something that can connect people no matter what the background between us. A powerful force that can bind us together, help us lift up and do absolutely incredible things.

I did sing in choir when I was younger. Church, school, and with friends of course. Not to mention being by myself.

I’ve found that writing to music helps me concentrate actually. With or without words, it doesn’t matter. I write faster, clearer and believe I feel my story a bit more when there are melodies floating around.

I would say, probably the most that I listen to is country and that’s from working with horses. In the barns I worked at, both western and English they only played country music in there. When we worked dressage horses in the arena, of course that would be to the music they would be preforming to, but other than that, country. So that is familiar to me and comforting (like the smell of horses and the barns, alas that is another topic for a different day).

I do love musicals, soundtracks and playlists. Ohh, I make playlists all the time and love to just listen and walk with the pups.

My heroine listens to a nice mix of music as she works. And yes, I was listening to those songs when I put them in the story, just so you know.

How about you? Music lover? If so, what kind?

Happy Reading,

~Aliyah Burke


Aliyah Burke is an avid reader and is never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached here, or feel free to apply to join her yahoo group at She is married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi, and a DSH cat. She spends her days sharing time between work, writing, and dog training, showing, and racing.


Dawson Shay could never be accused of being a bubbly ray of sunshine. Like, not ever. But her outlook on life has only gotten worse since she moved across the country for her dream job rebuilding motorcycles…only to lose the job to someone else. Now her run of bad luck includes a wilderness retreat with the entire company—including the asshat who stole her job. Fortunately, Tully Faulkner’s bearded, tattooed hotness is pretty much the perfect distraction.

Except, Tully isn’t just Mr. Hometown Hero, he’s also said asshat who stole her job. And if he thinks he can win her over with his ability to charm the pants off everybody else, he’s got another thing coming. But Dawson can’t avoid him forever… or the seriously hot sparks between them. Somewhere between the breathtaking northern lights and teaming up to win their company’s scavenger hunt, Dawson starts to think that Tully’s magic touch might be just what she’s been missing.

But even sexy gearheads have their secrets. And Dawson’s about to discover that falling for the too-perfect-to-be-true Tully might just backfire on her completely…

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