#AuthorLife with Season Vining


Here are the top things in my life that help and/or distract from writing and editing on a daily basis. (in no particular order)


  1. Wine

Red wine is can sometimes release the stress from my crazy life enough to let me focus on my WIP and get some words down. However, too much red wine and I turn into a loafer who just wants to eat pizza rolls and watch Will & Grace reruns.

  1. Day job

40 hours a week is dedicated to being a graphic designer for a large printing company. Every day, I get to design anything from business cards to vinyl wraps that go around cars. It’s a fun gig, but definitely cuts into my writing/editing time.

  1. Qwerkywriter S Typewriter Inspired Retro Mechanical Wireless Keyboard

Sometimes the best kind of satisfaction is the click-clack sound of typing on this amazing keyboard. My word count goes up quickly when I’m working with this piece of joy!

  1. Research

The internet is a vast and wide blackhole of information. It allows me to research everything I need to know for my novels—hopefully, without landing on any government lists. Thanks to street view maps, I can travel anywhere and know exactly how to write a scene. However, sometimes this leads to that and the next thing I know I’ve been watching videos of corgis for an hour.

  1. Toddler

My little one has inspired a few one-liners in my current WIP. And though I couldn’t adore her more, she is a complete distraction when it comes to sitting down to write. But you know what? She’s totally worth it!




Get Chaos & Control by Season Vining for just 99¢!


When Wren Hart returns to her sleepy little Midwest town after years on the road, she finds the last thing she’d ever expect—a reason to stay. And that reason has a hard body, a knowledge of vinyl, and a crooked smile that sends her reeling.

Preston is a gorgeous, mysterious man, whose life is ruled by routine and order. Yet somehow, he finds Wren and her wild ways captivating. While their relationship grows in a delicate dance of chaos and control, the danger Wren thought she’d left behind during her travels is inching ever closer…and just may destroy them both.









Season Vining grew up in southern Louisiana where food, culture, and family mean everything. She has lived in Houston, San Diego, and NYC—all of them providing colorful experiences and future writing material. She is a graphic designer by day, a complete font snob, and enjoys all forms of art. Her obsessions include live music, tattooed bad boys, vintage cars, and people who know the difference between their, there, and they’re. Season is a new mom to the cutest kid on the planet. She is the author of contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels—hot stories with heart.

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