Of course, a romance writer would love the Canadian TV series “Heartland”! Heart? You get it, right? 😉





One of my writer buddies told me about this show, and how heartwarming (get it?) it is. A multi-generational, family-friendly comedy-drama, set on a horse ranch in Canada (and we know how nice Canadians are, eh?), once I tuned in, I couldn’t turn it off. My dear hubby enjoys it, too, and it is an amazing respite from the daily humdrum and entanglements (pun intended, thank you, dear publishers!) of life. We watch it every chance we get in order to wind down after a day of work and we thoroughly enjoy the well-written plots and dialogue lines.





The characters (oh, goodness—Grandpa Jack takes no prisoners—in the nicest way—and stalwartly supports his family with much-needed common sense) are well-played in depth by accomplished actors who genuinely appeal to me. Just when you think it’s a cliff-hanger with no solution, ta-da, the characters solve their own problems brilliantly. I am such a fan that I encourage all our friends to watch it. Sure, there are real life issues—it’s not “cotton candy”, but, there is no violence, no (blush!) actions that would make conscientious parents quickly change the channel, no profanity, and the good guys always win out.






Of course, there’s romance, too (remember what I write)—o!h, be still, my heart! The romances are heartfelt (of course), and I empathize so strongly with the characters that I try to tell them what to do! Fortunately, the writers are wiser than I 😉. These days, it’s wonderful to have hope, (as Lady Eleanor does for Lord Hugh, in my medieval romance, TORCH IN THE FOREST), and Heartland supplies plenty of hope and heart. Lady Eleanor and I are dyed-in-the-wool fans of Heartland and are proud to be so—please check it out and let Lady Eleanor and me know what you think!



Growing up in Europe and seeing castles on a daily basis made me sure I wanted to live back in the Middle Ages. Since that wasn’t likely to happen, being a child of the 20th century, the next best thing I could try to do was to write about this enthralling period in history. Having studied medieval history in college, I loved doing the research about how people really lived and spoke and dreamed and loved, and so TORCH IN THE FOREST came to be, thanks to my dear husband, who encouraged me to write about Eleanor and Hugh. When I’m not writing, I’m reading, or traveling. I love hearing from readers and am happy to do book club conference calls!



Instagram: @marciekremerromance



Young widow Eleanor of Strathcombe has never a met a more infuriating man than her arrogant neighbor, Lord Hugh of Wykeham. First he accuses her of being responsible for the poachers running rampant, then he begins feuding with her over the control of their forest boundaries. Not about to give in to him, Eleanor strikes back. But unsettling feelings confront her as she deals with Hugh, feelings she never felt in her brief, loveless marriage.

When Lord Hugh returns from the Crusade to discover his forest is being poached upon, he’s justifiably furious. Knowing that his people would never betray him, it’s clear it must be that Lady Eleanor whose lands border his–a woman who obviously has not the faintest idea about how to run an estate and is too busy fluttering and dithering about to take care of business. Sure that she will quickly succumb to his demands, Hugh is astounded when instead she stands up to him. And as the attraction builds between them, he’s forced to realize that his assumptions about Eleanor were all wrong. But he’ll have to learn trust to win this young widow’s heart…

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