#AuthorLife with Tee O’Fallon


I’ve been a criminal investigator for well over twenty years. You might think every day is filled with action and adventure, ala Hollywood style. Sorry to disappoint, but that is SO not the case.

My day typically begins with something like this.


The only thing that can make getting up somewhat palatable, is this.


Cuz without it, I’m a grouch…


And I gotta get in a morning workout, or I can’t eat all those donuts!


Then there’s my $hitty commute…


As I said, Hollywood fails miserably at depicting the realities of being a criminal investigator. There’s far too much of this. Report writing.


But, I don’t want you to think every day is horrible. There are perks. My colleagues are a hoot to work with!





Occasionally, they even let me arrest a bad guy or two. Course, they don’t all look like this.


Although not part of my typical day, the following Gif Tale is a true one. Did you ever have something fall into the toilet that you really, really didn’t want to fall into the toilet?

When I started out on the job, I wore my handgun in a paddle holster. For those of you not familiar with such a holster, it has a hard, plastic paddle-shaped thing that slips over your belt, so when you have to use the restroom, it’s a simple thing to slip it off your belt while you take care of business. Handy if you’re female. Makes life so much easier.

Often, the only place to rest such a holster is on the top of the toilet tank. Beware my friends. The following images are two things that should never go together.



Paddle holsters should come with a warning such as this: Before placing holstered weapon on top of toilet tank, verify tank cover does NOT slant downward, because if it does…splash! OMG, eew. Of course, I had to fish it out. Again, OMG, eew.




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Crack CIA analyst Trista Gold is a whiz with the computer, but not so much with people. She hides behind her job, analyzing Top Secret code and making recommendations on national security. She doesn’t need a man in her life. But she will, very soon…

CIA K-9 officer Sgt. Matt Connors suspects that beneath Trista’s uptight appearance, there’s a sexy woman itching to cut loose. But he doesn’t dare act on his attraction. He’s a loner and always will be. Keeping away from Trista is a must-do directive. Until he doesn’t have a choice…

During a routine assignment, Trista stumbles across a cryptic exchange. She doesn’t think much of it…until someone tries to murder her—twice. Both times, Matt had been there to save her. But now she has to hide. And her new bodyguard, Matt, and his K-9 are the only hope she has against the powerful forces that want her dead.







Tee O’Fallon has been a federal agent for twenty-two years, giving her hands-on experience in the field of law enforcement that she combines with her love of romantic suspense. Tee’s job affords her the unique opportunity to work with the heroic and sexy men in law enforcement on a daily basis. For Tee, research is the easy part! Besides reading and writing, Tee loves cooking, gardening, chocolate, lychee martinis, and her Belgian sheepdog.


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