#IShipIt with Avery Flynn



#IShipIt With Avery Flynn: Luke and Claire


Have y’all watched the hotness that is Luke Cage? If you don’t have Netflix this show is totally worth paying the monthly fee. Trust. *fans self* So if you don’t know, Luke Cage is a superhero who, because of evil experiment, is bulletproof. He can get hit by just about anything from a Mack truck to a grenade and be just fine. Add to that the fact that he is a good guy trying to do the right thing for his neighborhood who is smoking hot and yeah, he’s pretty much my absolute favorite Marvel superhero.



So who do #IShipIt with Luke if he can’t be with me? I’m going with everyone’s favorite nurse to the gifted, Claire Temple. I LOVE them together. She’s unflappable and doesn’t put up with any crap – in other words my kinda gal. Here she is greeting Luke after he got out of prison (long story but go watch this show!):

And after they got back to her house after months and months of only being able to write letters to each other??


Is your screen melting? I really should have warned you first. And, of course, I love the fact that they aren’t all sugary sweet to each other. I know, I know, I write romance. I love romance. And I also love it when two people can be so genuine with each other that they bust each others chops.


So #IShipIt Luke and Claire for the WIN!




Hurry and grab Her Enemy Protector by Avery Flynn for just 99¢!




Enemies can make the most tempting lovers…

By-the-book secret agent Lucas Bendtsen will do anything to keep his country safe—even if that means blackmailing the stepdaughter of a notorious mobster who is about to sell guns to a group of terrorists. The plan? He’ll pose as her fiancé in order to access her stepfather’s guarded compound and find out the location of the arms deal. The problem? Despite her reputation as a heartless femme fatale, Ruby Macintosh is not at all what she seems.

Only a fool would double-cross the Organization, but Ruby doesn’t have any choice—not if she’s going to save her brother and mother from her stepfather. So she places her life in the hands of a man who turns her on as much as he ticks her off…

The fake engagement may be the beginning of a high-stakes game of subterfuge, but when their hearts get involved, Lucas has to decide whether to break the rules or break Ruby’s heart.





When Avery Flynn isn’t writing about alpha heroes and the women who tame them, she is desperately hoping someone invents the coffee IV drip. She has three slightly-wild children, loves a hockey-addicted husband and has a slight shoe addiction. Find out more about Avery on her website, follow her on Twitter, like her on her Facebook page or friend her on her Facebook profile. Also, if you figure out how to send Oreos throughthe Internet, she’ll be your best friend for life. Contact her at avery@averyflynn.com. She’d love to hear from you.

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