#FoodieFriday with Sheryl Nantus


I’m a big fan of crockpot recipes – even though I snagged an Instant Pot last year in a great Black Friday sale, I love to use the crockpot function to toss some food in and forget about it while I work on my latest book.


But what to put in? Here’s a fast and simple recipe that I’ve made over and over with fabulous results each time!


Salsa Chicken


2-4 boneless chicken breasts (you can use thighs or other parts, frozen or unfrozen depending on how long you wish to leave them in the crockpot.)


1 jar of salsa, 24 oz. (Choose which intensity of flavor you like – we usually stick to medium and mild, but you can pep it up with a hot and spicy salsa!)


1 can of cream of mushroom soup. (I usually use low-sodium, but each to their own!)


Cooked rice or noodles (whatever works for you!)


Put the meat in the bottom of your crockpot and dump the salsa over it. Add in the cream of mushroom soup – but do NOT add any water! There’ll be enough moisture from the chicken, frozen or not, and the salsa to dilute the cream of mushroom soup.


If you want, you can put the uncooked rice or noodles into the mix over time and let them suck up the extra liquid – it will turn out to be more of a tight stew, but it’s an option. If not, wait until the chicken is cooked and shred with a fork if you wish.


Cook 4-6 hours, depending on your crockpot size – check and make sure the chicken is fully cooked before serving! It should be easy to tell; the meat should flake away when tested with a fork.


Well, there you go! A good hearty recipe for the cold days that’ll stick to your ribs!



Get Hard Play by Sheryl Nantus for just 99¢!







Stubborn shouldn’t be this sexy.

Ex-special forces ranger Dylan McCourt is a stone cold killer who cares only about his military brothers and doing what’s right. He’s used to giving orders and has zero patience for bullshit. Most people tremble when they look him in the eye, but not his infuriatingly sexy new rescue mission, Jessie Lyon. She just juts her chin and says she’s not leaving without clearing her father’s name, to hell with his rules. And was that a one finger salute he sees in her eyes or his imagination? Either way, he knows this is one job his training might not have prepared him for.








Sheryl Nantus is an award-winning romance writer published by Entangled, St. Martin’s, and Harlequin’s Carina Press. When she’s not writing about hunky heroes, she is sipping tea, playing board games and writing haiku. A total fangirl at heart, she met her husband through an online fanfiction community and currently lives in Pennsylvania.

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