Here at Entangled, we like to read.
(Bet you would never have guessed that.)
So we also love quick-n-easy recipes that free up more time for us to indulge in our favorite past time.
Each week we’re sharing some of our favorite recipes to help you find a few extra minutes in your day to enjoy your next favorite book!
This week a special guest:
Butter Tarts with Shana Gray
Who tried it: Shana Gray, author of What Happens in Vegas
Why she likes it:
Since Christmas is just around the corner, and handy treats are great to have around in case of surprise visitors, I thought I’d share a very Canadian recipe. No, not poutine, but it’s super easy too J My butter tart recipe. If time is tight, and you want to whip some up, just use the frozen pre-made tart shells. Otherwise, pastry from scratch is the best (If you want my pastry recipe, email me and I’ll be happy to send it along to you.)
These tarts can be frozen as well and quickly popped into the oven to warm up.
Preheat oven to 375
¼ cup butter
½ cup brown sugar
¼ tsp salt
½ cup corn syrup or maple syrup
1 egg
Mix all of the above together well. Put a few grains of salt in the bottom of each tart shell – this helps to stop bubbling over.
If using pastry from scratch, cut out a round about an inch bigger than a muffin tin, and press gently into the lightly greased muffin tin.
If using tarts shells, place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper
Fill the shell about ¾ full.
You can add a few raisons or toasted pecans if you choose, or just have them plain.
Bake for 20 minutes or until bubbly and the pastry edge is golden. Once removed from the oven, I find it helpful to run a thin knife around the edge of the pastry to loosen from the muffin tin. When cooled slightly, place on a wire rack for further cooling.
Get What Happens in Vegas by Shana Gray for 99¢!
When the cop…
Tough-as-nails detective Bonni Connolly is on a girls’ getaway in Vegas with her friends, when Lady Luck shines on her. Seizing the chance to treat them all, Bonni splurges on a little luxury including a VIP booth in an exclusive club. That’s when she sees him.
Meets the gambler…
Professional poker player Quinn Bryant is in town for one of the largest tournaments of the year. Fortune smiles on him when he spots Bonni across the dance floor. But what starts as a holiday fling soon turns into something more, as Bonni learns to see the man behind the poker face.
The stakes have never been higher.
Even though Bonni’s trip has an end date and there is another tournament calling Quinn’s name, their strong connection surprises them both. And by the end of the weekend they start to wonder if what happens in Vegas doesn’t have to stay there…
Shana Gray is a hybrid author who was first published in 2010 with books in multiple languages. She writes contemporary romance for publishers including Entangled, Headline, Harlequin Blaze, Random House and is also an indie author. Her stories range from scorching quickie length to longer full-length novels. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her family and loves to travel and she’s always ready to fly off at a moment’s notice to experience the beauty of the world around us. Follow Shana on Goodreads.
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