#AuthorLife with Coleen Kwan


For me, one of the worst/best parts of writing is working with my editors. Worst, because when I get those edits, I feel like I’m facing Mount Everest and I’ll never, ever be able to scale the mountain. And best, because when I’ve finally hauled myself to the summit I realize how right and important those edits were and how much they’ve improved my book. Here are the stages I go through:

1. Anxiously waiting to hear back from my editors.



2. Finally getting those edits and pooping myself because there are so many!



3. Halfway through and convinced there’s no way I’ll ever get them done.



4. Getting a second wind and working like crazy.



5. Relief when I meet the deadline.



6. When it’s all done…


I’m so grateful to my editors, especially Stacy Abrams and Libby Sharp. My books are infinitely better for their input.

Coleen Kwan.





Unlucky in love Lily Baker is ready to get back in the dating game. But her first night out ends with the guy ditching her—in the middle of a dance floor. Wonderful. Public humiliation on top of rejection. And worse, Caleb Willmett, the sexy local contractor with an unfortunate desire to remain single, witnessed the whole thing. But where Lily sees disaster, Caleb finds opportunity.

The only long-term relationship Caleb wants is a business partnership with Lily’s father, but the man won’t give him the time of day. If Lily can arrange a meeting for him, Caleb promises to help her find a guy worth dating. Perfect trade. And this should be easy—just look for someone completely opposite of himself, someone who’s willing to settle down.

But when Lily unexpectedly captures his heart, playing matchmaker for her becomes the most difficult job he’s ever done.






Coleen Kwan has been a bookworm all her life. At school English was her favorite subject, but for some reason she decided on a career in IT. After many years of programming, she wondered what else there was in life — and discovered writing. She loves writing contemporary romance with heart-stopping heroes, spirited heroines, and swoon-worthy HEAs. Coleen lives in Sydney, Australia with her partner and two children. When she isn’t writing she enjoys avoiding housework, eating chocolate, and watching Criminal Minds.

About Author

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