#Top5 Dream Jobs with Robin Bielman


Top 5 Dream Jobs Besides Writing


One of my favorite magazines is Outside, mostly because its pages are full of places I’d like to escape to some day. The magazine is all about the outdoors—adventure travel, best places to live, lifestyle, and one of their annual issues features dream jobs. My very first job was at an ice cream shop. I was sixteen and it was a dream job for a teenager. One free scoop of ice cream with every shift, yes please. LOL Without giving too much away, my heroine in my new release, Too Hard to Resist, lands a pretty perfect job for herself, too.


I feel super lucky that today I’m living my dream job as a writer. But there are lots of really neat jobs out there that would be fun to experience. Let’s pretend that for one week, we could be whatever we wanted to be. What would you do? Here are my five top picks…


I’d love to be an entertainment reporter. Back in college, I did an internship with Entertainment Tonight and got to go on several interviews. It was awesome. Even though I’ve lived in Southern California my whole life and seen my share of celebrities, I’m always a little star struck. So I’d love to meet and interview my favorite actors.


Sign me up as an interior decorator, too. Getting to shop and decorate homes would be so much fun. I’m not sure I’ve got a knack for it, but I’d like to try.


I’d also like to be a florist and own a small flower shop. I’ve done some flower arranging for friends’ bridal and baby showers and really enjoyed it. Heading down to the flower mart early in the morning to find the perfect flowers was fun and I felt like I was part of a whole other culture.


And of course I’d like to be a pop star and sing on stage with a bunch of uh, male back-up dancers who may or may not be wearing shirts.


Lastly, I’d be all in as a female Jacques Cousteau. I love the ocean and it would be awesome to travel the world doing underwater research. Swim with sharks? You betcha! As long as I’m in a cage, I’m good. The small fact that every time I’ve been on a boat I’ve gotten seasick doesn’t matter, right? In this game of pretend, everything is perfect.


What’s a dream job of yours?



Don’t miss Robin’s newest release Too Hard To Resist!





One rookie assistant + one demanding executive = flirting that is too hot to handle.

Have you ever wished for the perfect job? Me, too. So when I land a temporary gig with a worthwhile and exemplary startup, I’m determined to make it permanent. That my boss is the gorgeous, clever Elliot Sax is nothing I can’t handle. We may steal glances at each other and straddle the line of playing it safe, but our partnership is too important for complications. Not to mention workplace hookups are against the rules.

But when our attraction flames hotter, our best efforts are put to the test. I never imagined having to fight my feelings for him on a daily basis and keeping my hands to myself is absolutely killing me.

Until I can’t. Until we can’t. And what’s at stake becomes more than our jobs. What’s at risk is our hearts.




When not attached to her laptop, USA Today Bestselling Author Robin Bielman can almost always be found with her nose in a book. A California girl, the beach is her favorite place for fun and inspiration. Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can’t live without jumpstarts all of her story ideas. She is a 2014 RITA Finalist, loves to frequent coffee shops, and plays a mean game of sock tug of war with her cute, but sometimes naughty dog, Harry. She cherishes her family and friends and loves to connect with readers.

About Author

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