#AuthorDIY with Kira Archer


Have you seen those adorable Lego tables they have for toddlers and little ones? I love them. My kids love Legos, but when they drag them out to the middle of the floor, I just cringe. Even if they clean them up (which they rarely do) a few always gets left behind. And I ALWAYS step on those horribly painful pieces of plastic 😉 Plus, my son always complained it was hard to build because the carpet was too soft. He wanted a Lego table. And so did I…so he could keep them contained LOL


But when I started looking around, most of the tables I found were made for toddlers…or were so expensive that they were WAY out of our realm of possibility. So I decided to make one.


We bought an inexpensive coffee table from Walmart. It was $29 at the time:


And a few Lego building plates (I think I ended up using 3 and 1/2). I also found these at Walmart:

I laid them out and measured and cut the pieces until the table was covered. This was more difficult than I expected, but a sharp box cutter and a little patience finally got the job done 🙂 I’d seen a larger homemade table that had a field of green in the middle with the racetrack building plates along the outside, but we didn’t have that big an area to work with. And the plain plates were cheaper 😉 But I did want to personalize it and add some color.


So I painted the thinner strips along the top with red spray paint and then adhered the plates to the table with my handy hot glue gun. Then I painted my son’s name on the red pieces with a small paint brush and white paint.



We still needed something to contain all the Legos though, so I bought two mesh laundry bags (Target has them for under $2)


and stapled them to the underside of the table with a heavy-duty stapler.


My son absolutely loved it. My daughter has asked for one for her room also 🙂


All in all, we spent about $100 to make it (those building plates are kind of pricey at about $14 a piece). But considering that the cheapest table that was large enough for my 9 year old to play on was at least twice that much (and in most cases more like 3-4 times as much) this was a wonderful way to save some money and give him the table he’d been wanting 🙂



Grab The Billionaire’s Unexpected Baby by Kira Archer for $0.99!


One minute, pregnant Leah Andrews is throwing up over the side of a yacht and the next, she’s married to party boy Brooks. It’s an arrangement born of sheer desperation to save her job, but now the tabloids are all over them, their friends are running a pool betting on whether they’ll actually stay married until Baby Day, and worst of all, she and her new husband might just be falling for one another. But they belong in opposite worlds. It’ll never work.

Billionaire app developer Brooks Larson lives his life on the light side. Until he tries to play hero and claims to be Leah’s husband. Now he’s up to his ears in Lamaze classes, baby powder…and unexpected marital bliss. But he’d make a rotten husband and horrible father. Leah and the baby deserve so much better. Add in major baby daddy drama and the whole situation is the worst idea EVER. But sometimes those bad ideas might just be the best ones…





Kira Archer resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kiddos, and far too many animals in the house. She tends to laugh at inappropriate moments, break all the rules she gives her kids (but only when they aren’t looking), and would rather be reading a book than doing almost anything else. She has odd, eclectic tastes in just about everything and often lets her imagination run away with her. She loves her romances a little playful, a lot sexy, and always with a happily ever after.

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