#Top5 Baby Story Lines with Kira Archer



At the heart of my new release, The Billionaire’s Unexpected Baby, is a couple preparing for the arrival of a bouncing bundle of complication. I love baby stories and movies, and while the birth scenes and surrounding circumstances in movies are often hugely exaggerated, they always make for great entertainment. It was hard to choose a Top 5, but here is what I came up with:

Ross and Rachel – while there is a great argument out there that Joey and Rachel should have ended up together, watching Ross and Rachel have a baby together was excellent entertainment. And the birth scene was perfect!


Baby Mama – You really can’t go wrong with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. These two together are always hilarious. Add in baby drama and it’s movie gold.


What to Expect When You’re Expecting – several storylines all centered around babies and a ton of humor. Gotta love it! Especially the Dudes Group. Don’t talk about what we walk about!


Nine Months – Hugh Grant freaking out over becoming a father = hilarity. Especially when you add in Julianne Moore, Robin Williams, Joan Cusack, Jeff Goldblum, and Tom Arnold. This is one of those I’ll watch every time it comes on.


Father of the Bride II – some sequels just don’t quite live up to the first one but this isn’t the case here. I actually think I might like this one better than the first movie. And Martin Short is once again perfection.


Honorable Mention – Junior – Because seriously, Arnold Schwarzenegger as a pregnant man with Danny DeVito and Emma Thompson along for the ride? OMG too hilarious!




The Billionaire’s Unexpected Baby by Kira Archer


One minute, pregnant Leah Andrews is throwing up over the side of a yacht and the next, she’s married to party boy billionaire app developer Brooks Larson. It’s an arrangement born of sheer desperation to save her job, but now the tabloids are all over them, their friends are running a pool betting on whether they’ll actually stay married until Baby Day, and worst of all, she and her new husband might just be falling for one another. But they belong in opposite worlds. It’ll never work.

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Kira Archer resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kiddos, and far too many animals in the house. She tends to laugh at inappropriate moments, break all the rules she gives her kids (but only when they aren’t looking), and would rather be reading a book than doing almost anything else. She has odd, eclectic tastes in just about everything and often lets her imagination run away with her. She loves her romances a little playful, a lot sexy, and always with a happily ever after.

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