#Top5 TV Comedies with Samantha Bohrman

I like to watch TV. I know Stephen King says writers shouldn’t, but he must be made of stronger stuff than me. I can binge on Netflix with the best of them. I like everything—sci-fi, detective shows, horror (Stranger Things anyone!?), but I have a deep and abiding love for comedy. Here are my top five comedies of 2017:

Wet Hot American Summer

This is me on release day! Just kidding, I’ll probably get a mocha and go grocery shopping. Anyway, I love this show, especially the first season. It’s pee-your-pants funny.



I’d never heard of this show so when I randomly clicked on it, I felt like I personally had discovered it. It was my own personal California gold rush, but with comedy. If you haven’t heard about this one, it’s about an autistic teen’s adventures in dating. It’s funny, endearing, the acting is amazing, and the writing absolutely brilliant.


Schitt’s Creek

This one has a great ensemble cast. All of the characters are hysterically shallow and selfish. I can’t get enough of it. I can’t wait for the next season to hit Netflix!



This one has some darker moments, but it’s so realistic that it’s funny. I can’t help but think this is the direction romcom is going.


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Another funny one! I love Kimmy and Titus. Really, anything that Tina Fey. I would put a framed photo of her over my mantel if it wouldn’t weird my husband out. Actually, he probably wouldn’t notice. A charcoal drawing of Chuck Norris has been hanging on the wall for years and he hasn’t mentioned it yet.


Your turn! What are your current fave go-to shows when you need to escape? Let us know in the comments or come find us on Twitter to chat!





Mallory Jones is tired of being the girl who stays home and practices French horn while her identical twin, Blake, is crowned homecoming queen. So when she has the opportunity to pretend to be Blake, she takes it. At Camp Pine Ridge, she will spread her wings and emerge a butterfly. Or at least someone who finally gets kissed by a cute guy. That is, until bad boy Ben Iron Cloud shows up, ready to get revenge on Blake—aka Mallory.

If it weren’t for that infuriating girl, Ben wouldn’t even be at camp. Luckily, he now has six weeks to soak up some rays and get even with his nemesis. But the more time he spends with Blake, the more he realizes she’s nothing like the girl he thought she was—she’s kind and innocent and suddenly way too tempting. And soon enough, revenge is the last thing on his mind. Unfortunately, the girl he’s falling for is keeping a major secret…





Shortly after graduating from law school, Samantha had three children and began writing books. She never looked back, but she suspects her husband has. You can often find her in the aisles of Target looking at scarves and forgetting to buy broccoli and eggs. If it’s a good day she’ll be holding a latte. If it’s not, try not to stare. Ruby’s Misadventures with Reality is her first book, though hopefully not her last. You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, or at www.sambohrman.com.

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