#IShipIt with Sasha Summers


If you know me, you know I have a little addiction. Okay. A HUGE Addiction.


Yes. My name is Sasha Summers and I am a #THORaddict. Thursday isn’t Thursday. Nope it’s #Thorsday – making it a far happier day all around. But, really can you blame me?


And I love #Thor and #Jane together. They were so cute, courtly and awkward and sincere. All the while you believe he would do anything to protect her. Which made me oh-so-happy.
Nothing like hitting Thor with your car to get the attention of a Norse God. Smart move Jane!


And having coffee together is always a good idea. Right?


And yes, they battled bad guys and saved cities and stuff. But the reason I love this couple is because of their sweetness. #Thor is the ultimate #protector. He watches over his Jane, respects her mind, and wants to be with her—no matter what. And #Jane? Well, she’s not sitting around pining for him when he’s off defending the universe.
But she lights up when they’re together. *sigh*


Just saying her name makes him smile!


And the #kisses – man. I approve of Jane’s tactics. Every once in a while a gal has to go after what she wants. Am I right?



So even though I’m TOTALLY stoked about the new #ThorRagnarok movie, I know he will miss Jane and be all…


Now for the highlight reel…


Grab Sasha’s Falling for the Billionaire Wolf and His Baby for only 99¢!


He might be a monster but he can’t stop wanting her…

When Jessa Talbot’s boss offered her a promotion, she agreed—no questions asked. Her family needed the money, but fighting the attraction she feels for her brooding employer is tough. Worse, she instantly bonds with his infant son she’s caring for. But this is a temporary solution and she can’t get attached to either of them.

Finnegan Dean is cursed. He’s a nicely dressed monster, the wolf inside always looking for a way out. But there are two things he and his wolf agree on. They must protect baby Oscar and Jessa—his mate. While the wolf hungers to seal their bond, Finn fights the instinct. After all, if he really cares for her, he’d never doom her to the life he lives.






Sasha grew up surrounded by books. Her passions have always been storytelling, romance, history, and travel. An Air Force brat who cut her romantic teeth on Barbara Cartland novels, she was always looking for a prince or hero of her own. While waiting, she wrote her first play for her Girl Scout troupe. She’s been writing ever since. She loves getting lost in the worlds and characters she creates; even if she frequently forgets to run the dishwasher or wash socks when she’s doing so. Luckily, her four brilliant children and hero-inspiring hubby are super understanding and supportive.When she’s not conversing with her book characters or reading into the wee hours, Sasha is an unapologetic movie addict. Growing up, movie night was important and dressing up for the annual Oscars party was, according to her family, something ‘everyone did’. As a result, Sasha has a wealth of information and knowledge on a wide range of films – their actors, directors, scores, and other useless bits of Hollywood trivia. She often ‘casts’her books when writing—creating at least one new Pinterest board per book. Chris Hemsworth, Jensen Ackles, and Tom Hardy are some of her favored leading men.

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