Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Read Romance

Romance Awareness Month

It’s Romance Awareness Month and we’re dishing all month long about everything romance related. Today Julie Rowe is talking about reasons you should start reading romance if you don’t already.

  1. Reading about a strong, committed couple overcoming challenges can inspire you to do more in your own relationship (my husband is a happy man).
  2. Learn new skills like self-defence, first aid, and microbiology (that last one from my books)
  3. Happy endings make you happy (in more ways than one *wink*).
  4. Every book is its own world = instant vacation (Antarctica here I come! A free ebook from my backlist to the first commenter who can name the title of my book set in Antarctica.).
  5. Experience new things by living vicariously through the characters (thanks to my characters I’ve been a plastic surgeon, a lawyer, a virologist, an Army colonel, a pilot, a demolitions expert, a sniper, a nurse, a trauma doctor, a firefighter, and a sheriff).

Why do YOU read romance?

-Julie Rowe, author of Viable Threat

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