What’s Cooking Wednesday with Alexia Adams


Here at Entangled, we like to read.

(Bet you would never have guessed that.)


So we also love quick-n-easy recipes that free up more time for us to indulge in our favorite past time.

Each week we’re sharing some of our favorite recipes to help you find a few extra minutes in your day to enjoy your next favorite book!


This week a special guest:

Egg Fried Rice from Alexia Adams



Who tried it: Alexia Adams, author of The Greek’s Stowaway Bride

Why she likes it: I hate to cook. Yet my family insist on eating. Every. Single. Day. And often multiple times a day. With this recipe, not only do they get fed, the fridge also gets cleaned out, and it’s quick. Win, win, win…more time for reading!



  • 3 rashers of bacon (or more if that’s your thing)
  • 3-4 eggs lightly beaten
  • Cooked Meat: works great with odd bits of leftovers including roast beef, chicken, sausages, shrimp, pork chops (check to make sure it’s all still good and you’re not going to kill anyone) cut up into bite size pieces
  • Rice (for 7 people I cook 1 ½ cups (pre-cooked measurement) you can also use leftover rice if it’s still good
  • Vegetables: again leftovers are great, if not then frozen corn, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, etc. work well.
  • Soy Sauce to taste (I use about 6 or 7 of the packets they send with the takeout Chinese food)



  • Cook the rice according to directions if you don’t have leftovers;
  • Cut up the meat into small bite size pieces;
  • Fry the bacon in a deep frying pan to desired crispness, remove and cut into small pieces;
  • Drop the lightly beaten egg into the hot bacon fat, add the rice and stir until all the egg is cooked;
  • Add all the meat and vegetables and bacon;
  • Add soy sauce to taste, usually until the rice is a bit brown looking. It’s easy to add more at the table so don’t get too heavy handed here.
  • Heat until everything is piping hot and serve straight out of the frying pan. Why dirty more dishes?



With all that extra time not spent in the kitchen, what’s Alexia currently reading?

I’m currently reading Paula Altenburg’s Her Spy at Dawn (Spy Games Book #4). Having enjoyed the prior three books in this Canadian espionage series, I can’t wait to find out what happens with Dan. After all the times he’s told his operatives to keep their pants on, I’m looking forward to seeing him lose control.


Pick up The Greek’s Stowaway Bride by Alexia Adams, on sale for just 99¢ for a limited time!




She slipped aboard his yacht, but can he keep her out of his heart?

Egyptian heiress Rania Ghalli is desperate to free her political prisoner uncle before it’s too late. Hoping to make it to North Africa, she stows away on the yacht of Greek millionaire Demetri Christodoulou. But when Egyptian agents board the boat, she can either jump overboard…or claim she’s Demetri’s new bride.

Tired of being no more than the bastard disgrace to the Christodoulou name, Demetri intends to build a luxury resort below his grandfather’s house so the old man has no choice but to acknowledge that Demetri has made something of himself. But first, he needs a wife to complete the land purchase.

With Rania now at his mercy, a plan comes together. He’ll play along, protecting her and helping to free her uncle, but in exchange, he demands a real marriage. But keeping the vivacious heiress out of his heart will be a lot harder than keeping her on his ship…





A former world wanderer, Alexia writes contemporary romance stories that reflect her love of exotic destinations and diverse characters and cultures. She currently lives near Vancouver, Canada with her husband and four children and dreams of a world without housework. As a flight risk mom, romance is her escape and she can often be found with her nose in a book, pretending she’s somewhere else. Check out her website at http://alexia-adams.com and sign up for her monthly newsletter to discover your next escape.



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