Tea Time Takeover with Michelle McLean


I’m so happy to be here today! Ever since I knew I was taking over today, I’ve been fantasizing about an epic tea party 😀 Scottish themed, of course, because I’m in the middle of writing my MacGregor Laird series and have Scotland on the brain (which is not a bad thing by any means). I researched a bit to see what might be served at a “real” Scottish tea time. And I’m still not real sure lol From what I can tell, “tea time” in Scotland, in the present day, is sort of a meal– eaten when Americans eat dinner. (If anyone here is from Scotland, please let me know if this is correct!) Though I did find quite a few places that serve what I think of as a traditional tea – small cakes and sandwiches, scones, and tea, of course. Including this incredible 15th century castle:

What a beautiful place to enjoy tea!


During the 1660’s, when How to Lose a Highlander, the first book in my new series, is set, tea was just starting to be fashionable. England’s Charles II married the Portuguese princess Catherine of Braganza and she popularized the drink in England and, I would think, in Scotland. For the wealthy, anyway. Coffee also became popular around the same time, with the first coffee house opening in London in the 1650’s.


I prefer hot chocolate myself, thanks both to a crippling love of chocolate and a weird sensitivity to caffeine. What is your preferred hot beverage?


Some yummy recipes I’d love to serve at a Scottish themed tea – cranachan, clootie pudding, caramel shortbread squares, fruited gingerbread, and raspberry buns.





Don’t miss Michelle’s newest release,

How to Lose a Highlander

Out Now!




Forced into marriage by their king in order to stop years of inter-clan feuding, Sorcha Campbell and Malcolm MacGregor are each determined to drive the other away. Malcolm knows he can never trust his new shrewish wife, despite the fact that everything he observes seems to prove that she’s not only trustworthy, but utterly perfect for him. Sorcha knows she can never let her guard down around the man she believes betrayed her father, yet the longer she’s with him, the more she discovers he is nothing like she was led to believe. They’ll have to fight their way through past prejudices and their own determination to destroy their union in order to gain their perfect HEA in this Taming of the Shrew meets How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days tale.







Michelle McLean is a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl who is addicted to chocolate and goldfish crackers and spent most of her formative years with her nose in a book. She has a B.S. in History, a M.A. in English, and loves her romance with a touch of suspenseful mystery. She resides in PA with her husband and two amazing children.

About Author

3 Replies on Tea Time Takeover with Michelle McLean

  • I love hot chocolate too! I like to try different “from scratch” hot cocoa recipes. But a hot, cinnamon, chai tea latte is my go-to when writing. My muse doesn’t come out without it : )

    My books are set in the early 1500’s, so I can’t talk about tea at all in them. I’m actually contemplating moving to 1700’s for my next series, just so I can write about tea! LOL!

    • I’ve tried some “from scratch” hot coco recipes also, and haven’t found one I’m totally in love with. I think the best hot chocolate I’ve had was when I lived in Utah, called Stephen’s Gourmet Hot Chocolate. They had a bunch of different flavors. I’ve never been ambitious enough to try the “real” melted chocolate kind…but I really want to. It looks soooo good.

      I was surprised about the time periods with tea. I sort of assumed it was always a thing. I love finding out all these interesting things when researching!

  • I do love hot tea and different flavors of hot chocolate, like peppermint, and Mexican hot chocolate with cinnamon and ground cayenne pepper.

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