Holiday Recipes: Skillet Cranberries for a Slack Oven with Meg Hennessy!



‘Tis the season for Skillet Cranberries for a Slack Oven with Meg Hennessy!


p1020930As a historical author, of course, my favorite recipe for the holidays is a recipe by one of our First Lady’s, and most outspoken woman of her times, Abigail Adams. Her husband, John Adams was the second president of the young United States. I found her recipe in a periodical published by Williamsburg about twenty years ago and have enjoyed it ever since.

This recipe is wonderful if adding color and cranberries to a festive meal and goes great with Turkey. The first time I made it was for my daughter’s college graduation and had family to the house for dinner. Abigail’s cranberries were such a hit, they now appear at all of our special dinners by request, but not as a condiment, or a side dish for the table. We discovered the cranberries were so rich with flavor, we now serve them for desert, warm over vanilla ice cream.
Skillet Cranberries for a Slack Oven, Abigail Adams:

  • 1 lb. Fresh cranberries
  • 2 Cups of Brown or white sugar.
  • ¼ Cup of Brandy

Spread cranberries in an iron skillet. Sprinkle sugar over them, cover skillet, place in slack oven for one hour. Remove lid and pour brandy into the skillet.
“You may take it to the table in a pewter basin, or, for a collation table, in a crystal compote.” ~Abigail Adams
Of course, in the modern world, I made some adjustments. I spread the cranberries on a cookie sheet, add the brown sugar, and bake in a slack oven (250 degrees) for about 45 minutes to an hour. I add the Brandy when ready to serve. The amount of Brandy often depends on the kind of day I’ve had, but moving on. For those who have tasted cherry jubilee, this recipe has very much the same texture and taste, except being cranberries. If feeling exceptionally adventurous, you may light it up before consumption.




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About A Pirate’s Revenge:

Rayna de La Roche once lived a privileged life of a Spanish royal until her brother dragged her to America. In order to return to Spain, she must find a hidden treasure somewhere in New Orleans. She pairs up with a rugged American mercenary, whose mere touch unleashes her deepest desire.

Captain Zachary Nash has been accused of a murder he did not commit. On the run, he’s hired to protect Rayna. As much as he wants her, Zach cannot hope to have her, for she sees him as a common criminal. But keeping his hands off of her while they hunt down the treasure may be his toughest task yet.

As the passion sizzles between the royal and the captain, they’ll have to decide if the treasure is more important than love…

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