Holiday Recipes: Secret Kiss Cookies with Rachel Harris!



‘Tis the season for Secret Kiss Cookies with Rachel Harris!

harris-kissMy hubs is at the grocery store, and my girls and I are cleaning up with huge smiles. Why, might you ask, would I be doing such a boring, horrendous job such as CLEANING with a smile?

Because it is Christmas Cookie Baking Time!!

(Cue the jazz hands and happy Christmas music)
As we have lots of sugary goodness to bake and consume, this post will be brief. But I wanted to share one of the recipes we will be making today . . . and it so happens to be my all-time FAVORITE cookie recipe!

Sadly, I am not gifted enough in the chemistry-filled baking world to create my own recipes, so I mostly tweak ones I find to fit my particular tastes. Which normally means adding as much chocolate and/or almonds as possible to things. Can you ever have too much chocolate??? This particular treat is inspired by a recipe I found in the Hershey’s Dessert Cookbook.

Let me know if you decide to try this, and we can compare mouth-filled, swoony-eyed notes!

(Makes about 3 dozen cookies)

  • 1 cup (2 sticks) butter of margarine, softened
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 cup finely chopped walnuts–I use slivered almonds
  • 1 bag (6 oz) Hershey’s kiss milk chocolates–I use Hershey’s with almonds
  • Powdered sugar


In large mixer bowl, beat butter, granulated sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add flour and walnuts/almonds; beat on low speed of electric mixer until well blended. Cover; refrigerate dough 1 – 2 hours or until firm enough to handle.

Remove wrappers from chocolates. Heat oven to 375. Using approx. 1 tablespoon of dough for each cookie, shape dough around each chocolate piece; roll to make ball. (Be sure to cover each chocolate piece completely). Place on ungreased cookie sheet.

Bake 10-12 minutes or until cookies are set but not brown. Cool slightly; Remove from cookie sheet to write rack.

While still slightly warm, roll in powdered sugar. Cool completely. Store in tightly covered container. Roll again in powdered sugar just before serving.

Consume as soon as possible, and I dare you not to eat more than, like, 5.

I also double dog dare you not to eat a few Hershey kisses before they make it into said cookie.


Don’t miss Entangled’s 25 Days of Holiday Steals, happening now! We’re celebrating a different book each day, from now until December 25th, and each book will be on sale for just 99¢ on their dedicated spotlight day! So join in the festivities, and help us celebrate all month-long!


**On sale today for just 99¢!**


About My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century:

On the precipice of her sixteenth birthday, the last thing lone wolf Cat Crawford wants is an extravagant gala thrown by her bubbly stepmother and well-meaning father. So even though Cat knows the family’s trip to Florence, Italy, is a peace offering, she embraces the magical city and all it offers. But when her curiosity leads her to an unusual gypsy tent, she exits…right into Renaissance Firenze.

Thrust into the sixteenth century armed with only a backpack full of contraband future items, Cat joins up with her ancestors, the sweet Alessandra and protective Cipriano, and soon falls for the gorgeous aspiring artist Lorenzo. But when the much-older Niccolo starts sniffing around, Cat realizes that an unwanted birthday party is nothing compared to an unwanted suitor full of creeptastic amore. Can she find her way back to modern times before her Italian adventure turns into an Italian forever?

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