Celebrate our #SFREscape on Twitter!

Firefly Pilot Watch 12-9 @ 6PST-9EST

Here at Entangled we love a sexy scifi romance with a dash of rogue-ish hero and heaps of adventure. ATROPHY has all of that and more, so to celebrate its release we’re taking a break from the stress of the season to revisit a favorite science fiction tv show that reminds us a lot of this book—FIREFLY!

Whether you’re already a browncoat (what Firefly fans call themselves) or you’re totally new, we’d love to have you join us on the #SFREscape hashtag starting at 6PM PST/9PM EST. We’ll be watching the pilot episode which is available with your Amazon Prime subscription. Hope to see you there!

In the meantime you can find out where to grab your copy of Atrophy right now.


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