Teaser Tuesday: The Fix Up by Tawna Fenske

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Who doesn’t love a sexy geek? Take a peek inside of The Fix Up by Tawna Fenske, on sale 12/14!

“Yes,” Holly said, surprised by the breathlessness in her own voice. “I want you, you want me, and I’m tired of fighting it. Take the next exit, please.”

“Where are we going?” His hand moved a fraction of an inch up her thigh, and Holly nearly moaned with pleasure.

“You don’t have a bed, and my place is too far away. There’s a hotel right up there and it seems like the surest way to have you inside me within five minutes.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Ben grinned and slid his hand further up her thigh. “And this is why you’re well-qualified to coach me on assertiveness. You’re a woman who knows what she wants.”

“I think you’ve mastered a few things yourself, Mr. CEO.” She watched his hand slide further up her thigh as he pushed her skirt up higher.

“Yes, but a little hands-on experience is always valuable if I’m really going to get behind the issue for some strategic interplay.”

She grinned, pretty sure this was the first time anyone had attempted to use business jargon as a seduction tool. “I think I can slot you in.”

“Excellent. I’d like to touch base on the liquidity of your assets as soon as possible.”

Want to read more? Pre-order your copy today!


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