Meet the Team: What’s on our bucket lists

You get the emails from Entangled but have you ever wondered about the team behind the emails? Get to know some members of the team by checking out a few our our bucket list items.


Heather Riccio, known to many authors as the email ninja picked out two of her bucket item lists that she’s passionate about.


skydiving1. Publish my current YA and have it become a bestseller– I’ve always loved to write, but it’s hard to find the time sometimes. I’ve made it my mission this year to write and revise and get my writing out there. I want people to love my writing as much as I love writing it. It’s a long process, but one that I will continue to do until it comes true and continue to do afterwards. I also know that the road to becoming a bestseller is a long one, but I don’t care. If you love something enough, you do it until it comes true.
2. I want to take my passion for helping others to the next level. It’s why I’ve been working with the Glitter Magazine #SelfLoveCampaign and have helped with Project Migration in the past. I don’t think our only purpose on this earth is to live and die. I think in order to live a meaningful and fulfilling life we have to give back to others in any way that we can. Even if it’s helping out that homeless person on the street, it’s helping. I saw a post of something I want to do this holiday season and hope others will follow suit. Ellen Hopkins was posting about Ziploc baggies filled with the essentials (food, hygiene products, small bottle of water, and a gift card or small amount of money) to give out to those who need it. I think I’m going to take it to the next level and buy purses from my local Goodwill or Angel View and fill those up with the essentials. It’ll help someone and in turn I know that what I’m doing is for a good cause. I think we all can give up our Starbucks this holiday season if it means helping those who need it more. Don’t you?


Melissa Montovani is relatively new to the Teen lines but already a very welcome addition to the team.

melissa-montovani1. Go To BEA: Ever since I started my blog,, I’ve wanted to attend Book Expo America, otherwise known as BEA, but for one reason or another, I haven’t had the chance or time to do so yet. Now that I’m working as the publicist for Entangled TEEN, I have one more reason to attend this annual event to meet up with any of our authors who are in attendance and to meet some of the bloggers and authors I’ve known online for years, but never met in person.2. Travel to Iceland: Over the years, I’ve been to several different countries on several different continents, including the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Austria, South Korea, Japan, Cuba, Costa Rica, and of course, Canada and the US. There are tons of other places I want to visit eventually (or again), however, after watching a movie that takes place partially in Iceland and then seeking out pictures of the gorgeous landscape, I really want to see it with my own eyes at some point.

Debbie Suzuki has been with Entangled for over three years and this has pretty much been her dream job.

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1. I’ve always had a fascination with history and love going to history and science museums. Growing up in Hawaii I’ve been to the Bishop Museum and I’ve visited most of the local Bay Area California museums. I haven’t had the chance to travel much outside Hawaii or California but one day I would love to do a tour of the world’s greatest museums. On the list are New York’s Natural History Museum, the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the British Museum in London, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, and the Acropolis Museum in Athens. I’m sure there are others and would love to hear about your favorite ones.

2. Attend RT. I’m actually about to check this off my list as I’m officially registered to attend RT 2016! I’ve been reading romance every since high school when my aunt introduced me to her stash of Julie Garwood and Johanna Lindsey that she kept in her closet. So I’m so excited to attend RT and meet some of the amazing romance authors out there. Hopefully I’ll get to meet some of you there!

Rhianna Walker has been a blogger extraordinaire before joining the Entangled team.


Life is short and we all have things we want to do before ours is over. My bucket list has plenty of ambitious items like traveling to India to see the Taj Mahal and being a published author someday. But it’s so much easier to cross off the little ones isn’t it? My most recent checked off items… I finally saw my first concert this past spring—Lindsey Stirling is totally amazing live!—and finally got a sexy man to paint my toenails while I read—it only took 16 years of marriage to get that lol. I’m really excited about the plans I have for 2016 though. Going to RT in Las Vegas gets two big ones out of the way and I have so many authors and friends I can’t wait to meet face to face for the first time. Will I see you there?


Katie Clapsadl is our jack of all trades from publicity to foreign and movie rights to technical troubleshooting.


katie1. Go to RT Book Convention. Prior to working with Entangled, I hadn’t traveled much at all other than up and down the East Coast. And then I went to Entangled in Vegas and had such a blast meeting so many of our authors. I’ve been to several events and conferences since, but I’ve always wanted to go to the “biggest” romance one of them all, RT. Each year I would decline and say next year, but since 2016 is in Vegas, I simply couldn’t resist. Come April 2016 that bucket list item will finally be checked off. I can’t wait!

2. Move into our permanent home. My husband and I have lived several places over the past decade, but none of them have been keepers. And frankly I loathe moving. When two pack rats marry… Let’s just say it’s no fun. So we’ve been determined to stick our current home out until we’re completely ready for that last move. I’m dreaming about some place out of town with a couple of acres and a huge kitchen with a master bedroom on the first floor and finished basement. Oh and a real office with floor to ceiling bookshelves. I’m hoping to check this one off my list in the next couple of years.


Meredith Johnson wears hats on both our editorial and publicity side. She works both on Teen print and is our social media guru.

Meredith1) I was lucky enough to strike through a lot of travel related items while in college, but there’s one place I just haven’t made it to. I want to see the Goonies Rock, a.k.a. Haystack Rock, in Cannon Beach, Oregon. I’m a Florida girl, and while we have plenty of beaches, I have a feeling the Oregon coast would be THE place I would never be able to leave.

2) I must preface that this is one of those “never gonna happen” things. But I’m an overachiever, so I refuse to count it out. I want to marathon Veronica Mars with Rob Thomas, Kristen Bell, Jason Dohring, and Percy Daggs. Who am I kidding, the whole cast. I mean, how amazing would that be? I know, I know, never in a million years…but a girl can dream, right? A long time ago, we used to be friends… I’m ready when you are Rob, Kristen, Jason, and Percy 😉

We hope you had fun meeting some of the team. Tell us what items are on your bucket list. Need some inspiration? Then check out Chance of a Lifetime by Marissa Clarke and His Fantasy Girl by Nina Croft. They have some *ahem* interesting bucket items on their lists. 🙂

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