The bigger your hair is, the smaller your waist appears. That’s right, I said it. It’s scientific fact—an optical illusion sure to fool the most discerning male eye.
Or not.
LOL. But if you were a girl who went through high school in the eighties, chances are good that you had some encounter with BIG hair. I was the queen of big hair in high school. And in college. And maybe for a few years after that. Anyone remember Jessie on Full House and his hair obsession? I may or may not have been accused by friends of being equally irrational about my hair. I may or may not have been voted best BIG HAIR in my senior class. And I may or may not have flunked home economics for refusing to wear the hairnet during cooking labs.
I will probably develop COPD as I get older not because I have ever smoked, I never have. But the amount of hair spray my adolescent lungs were exposed to on a daily basis was most certainly a level of extreme toxicity.
Fine. My name is Michelle, and I have hair issues. I was a big hair, Madonna listening, flashdance-off-the-shoulder sweatshirt wearing mess. And when I sported my headband and sunglasses, whoa, look out. Don’t dare me to send a picture of my big hair in the hoop skirt and floor length, pink prom dress I wore to senior prom. I’ll totally do it.
Seriously, my children and husband tease me relentlessly about my high school photos. Although I’m quick to remind my hubby that at least I have hair. I’m not sure how the ridiculously huge eighties hair got started, I’m just glad it’s no longer in fashion.
Or is it???
As I look at my latest author picture I’ve become hauntingly aware that you can take the girl out of the eighties, but never the eighties out of the girl.
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