Editor Wish List for Fall and Winter 2015-2016

Entangled is always looking for a few good manuscripts! Could you have what we’re looking for? Read on for the specific things our editors are dreaming of reading…


Alethea Spiridon Hopson


Alethea Spiridon Hopson is looking for submissions for the Indulgence line that are set in the Greece, Italy, Spain, Monaco and involve alpha men (Greek and Italian/Sicilian preferred) in feisty, Taming of the Shrew type relationships with sassy heroines.


Alycia Tornetta


For Young Adult, I am looking for contemporary with a strong hook (think Kasie West, Emery Lord), Sci-fi…especially something to do with time travel or parallel universes (think Continuum and Sliders), and a compelling fantasy series that has an epic romance. Strong voice is a must. I also love books that combine genres in a unique and clever way. I’d love to see more interesting settings and cultures. And I’m also looking for fun, romantic dual POV contemporary romances. Bad boys and cute, nerdy guys are my favorite.


For New Adult, I am looking for addicting, sexy, trope-driven romance—and light, funny, romantic contemporary books. I’d love more sports romances, unique hooks, and humorous voices. Would love something with camp counselors (think Camp Takota or Wet Hot American Summer).


For adult romance, I am looking for small-town romantic comedies and contemporary and historical category romance (Victorian or Regency preferred) with engaging voices, strong tropes, and lots of sexual tension. I have a serious weakness for highlanders, military heroes, and cowboys. I’m also looking for single-title contemporary with a GREAT hook that’s sexy and funny (think Wallbanger or Finding Fraiser).


As always, I would kill for more LGBT and multicultural YA/NA/Adult romance stories.


Candace Havens

Indulgence: I’m looking for that fantasy hero. The super-rich guy with a heart of gold (but he doesn’t show it to the world). I’m partial to Brits, Scots and Irish right now. Just because he’s rich doesn’t mean he can’t be a little rough around the edges. We have a lot of office stories, I’d like to see something outside of that. The hero has to own the room when he walks in, but I need heroines who aren’t afraid of that sort of thing.


Select Historical: I’d love to see some Regency and Edwardian single titles with super alpha heroes, and smart, sassy women. Again, I like those fantasy heroes. And style wise, I like historical romances that read like contemporary. Fast pacing and smart dialogue.


Erin Molta

I’m primarily looking for single title historical fiction—Regency but with some sass. The women don’t have to be virgins but the men still have to be alpha. And if there are a few Dukes to be put in their place, all the better.

And a Scottish Highlander in all his glory with the sexy accent—and the drafty keeps, the racy kilts, and the atmospheric moors.

Vikings are also high on my list—the swagger and the ultimate warrior who can cleave an enemy with his ax but then sweetly woo a shield maiden into marriage…


Heather Howland

  • Brazen and Lovestruck manuscripts with unique character and plot twists that break the usual category romance mold. What would a character typically do in a situation? I want to see him or her do the opposite (as long as it’s organic)!
  • Dark and/or taboo New Adult romance.My definition of taboo is generally darker than most (ha!), and I’m looking for a book that makes me sit up and take notice. No rape for titillation, beastiality, or infidelity, however.
  • Twisty psychological YA thrillers.Contemporary only, please. Specifically, I want a book about a group of “regular” friends to which something terrible happens, likely from the inside, putting everyone in danger. I’m not interested in teens trained as assassins or recruited to spy organizations or anything like that.
  • Single-title contemporary romance. I like my books on the spicier side, but I’ll consider moderate heat levels as well. Sweet romance is better directed to Stacy or Alycia.
  • Single-title historical romance.Entangled as a whole is looking for Regency, Victorian, Highlander, and Viking romance. Query anyone on the team!


Karen Grove

Karen Grove is looking for submissions for the Embrace line of New Adult fiction that feature

  • Heroes and heroines embarking on careers in corporate Americaimmediately after college;
  • Heroes who are young trainees in the fire or police academy;
  • Heroes/heroines attending one of the military academies—Army, Navy, Air Force


Karen Grove is also looking for submissions for Select Contemporary, Bliss, or Indulgence set in present-day wine country that blends the earthiness and romance of wine and/or winemaking with the hurried lives of contemporary characters.


Kate Brauning

What I’m looking for:

  • High concept, big hook, fast-paced YA/NA of any genre, particularly local disaster stories or a YA Breaking Bad. Anything like The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, Dangerous Girls, or Warm Bodies
  • Literary YA and NA with that perfect balance of character-driven, thought-provoking story and a gripping plot and concept. Think This Is Not A Testby Courtney Summers or We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
  • High stakes YA & NA romance, including taboo romance, such as The Unwritten Ruleby Elizabeth Scott, Unteachable by Leah Raedar, or Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
  • Charming, heartfelt YA & NA of any genre, particularly dealing with sibling relationships, careers/passions, and complex friendships, such as This Song Will Save Your Lifeby Leila Sales, Open Road Summer by Emery Lord, and Everything Leads To You by Nina Lacour
  • Messy, dark YA & NA of any genre. Toxic friendships, destructive romance, cult stories, unreliable narrators, unresolved endings, teens who swear and drink and want something but don’t always get it right, tough stories about teens who have to handle things we wish they didn’t. Think Sex & Violenceby Carrie Mesrobian, Bleed Like Me by Christa Desir, and If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch.

I’m a tough sell for:

  • Addiction or eating disorder stories
  • Very technology-driven sci-fi. I loved Cinder (sci-fi that’s more fairytale) and Battlestar Galactica(sci-fi that’s more survival/disaster story)
  • Epic fantasy. I have loved rich, character-driven fantasy with a sharp focus– Graceling, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Under the Never Sky.
  • Light contemporary romance– unless it has an awesome voice or gripping twist
  • Paranormal, especially dreamer and shifter stories
  • Portal fantasy
  • Campy adventure

In adult, I’m open to every genre, as long as it includes romance. Suspense and mysteries are a favorite of mine, as well as complex contemporary. Alpha males can be a tough sell for me– I love the boy next door! Exceptions would be if you’ve got a Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead) Detective Stephen Holder (The Killing), Tim Riggins (Friday Night Lights), or Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad). Those that are alpha males are a twist different.

If you have something similar to Girl With The Dragon TattooWhat Alice ForgotA Discovery of Witches, or the TV shows The Killing, Friday Night Lights, or Battlestar Galactica, but all with a little more romance, I’m interested. If your women are Claire Underwoods, Cannie Shapiros, Lisbeth Salandars, Leslie Knopes, Joan Holloways, or Lady Mary Crawleys, I’m interested.

And of course, since there are exceptions to everything, if you’ve got something wonderful, send it my way.


Laura Stone

Laura Stone would love to see conspiracy-based thrillers along the lines of National Treasure or a Dan Brown plot with strong romantic arcs; suspense with strong heroes and smart heroines; paranormals that are not vampire-based or werewolf-based; fairytales retold, putting a new twist on the old favorites, preferably contemporary; and flirty, fun time-travels with sexy, strong heroes that come forward in time and help the heroines see modern living through new eyes.


Lydia Sharp

Lydia Sharp is currently looking for:


YA sci-fi set on Earth with a clever mystery/thriller element; the high action and geek-tech of something like Transformers but with a better storyline; NO dystopian or post-apocalyptic; punchy/witty teen voice, brisk pacing, and a strong romantic element


YA historical fantasy or alternate-history fantasy, full of romance, magic, and royal court intrigue; similar to the CW series “Reign” but with more fantastical elements, less sex, and just as much murder and mayhem; NO paranormal creatures; unique hook, authentic teen voice that fits the period, and a strong romantic element


YA fairytale retellings/re-imaginings in ANY genre, “fairytale” meaning any well-known tale that is in public domain; looking for “the same thing, only different”; NO Cinderella stories (at this time); unique hook, strong teen voice, and a strong romantic element


M/M or F/F couples in anything

PoC main characters in anything


Robin Hasseltine

Robin Haseltine is looking for fast paced, suspense-filled Select: Otherworlds Sci Fi with a romance at the heart (nothing tech-heavy). She loves alpha men willing to put their life on the line for the world they need to save and for the woman they love. She is also acquiring Regency, Victorian, and Highlander for both Select: Historical and Scandalous, especially if there is clever, double entendre banter between the hero and heroine. For contemporary settings, she’s interested in light, fun Lovestrucks with a humorous meet cute and writing style.


Stacy Abrams

Stacy Abrams is looking for submissions for the Crave imprint that are set in a realistic, everyday high school but with a slightly sci-fi bend, a la Mr. Robot. She’s also looking for Crave submissions with a historical or time-travel bend, as well as dystopian/futuristic. Please review the Crave imprint guidelines before submitting to ensure your book is the right fit!


Stacy is also looking for submission for the Bliss category romance imprint that feature animals as secondary characters (veterinarian stories, horse stories, dog stories, etc). She’s looking for Crush submissions that are extremely strong on the tropes and feature kids in regular everyday high school settings. And she’s looking for Teen Print submissions that are contemporary coming-of-age, science-fiction, or extremely high-concept historical.


Stephen Morgan

I want romantic comedies that make you laugh as much as cry and tons of banter between the characters in humorous situations. I want dark dramas that prove you should never give up hope. I want high concept Teen and Teen Crush books that grab you with the premise and a story that keeps you turning the pages until you’re ready to read it all over again. Give me more historicals and sci-fi and fairytales re-imagined and, oh yeah! MORE TIME TRAVEL. I am DYING for a story like KATE & LEOPOLD where a hero from a time past is brought into our time and must face off against a modern heroine (or the reverse, like OUTLANDER).


I want smexy military heroes and CEO’s with attitude. Men with power and confidence and maybe a hero complex. Betas are great, too, just remember that betas are confident and competent, too! They just don’t need power and control like our favorite alphas.

I want fun, capable, independent women who find love when they least expect it. Show her claiming her life and coming into her own by book’s end. I also want diverse heroines!

Small town or large town settings will do, but preferably putting the heroine or hero out of their element.

Proven category tropes such as fake relationship, mistaken identity, fish out of water, Cinderella, ugly duckling, older brother’s best friend, enemies-to-lovers, best friends-to-lovers, bait and switch, matchmaker, sexy protectors, matchmaker, and opposites attract.

Irresistible voices such as Suzanne Elizabeth Phillips, Joya Ryan, Jennifer Cruise, Sara Shepherd, Cari Quinn, Heidi Kling, Sarah Dessen, Rachel Harris.

Movies that inspire me: Jerry Maguire, You’ve Got Mail, The Proposal, Clueless, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Groundhog Day, 10 Thing I Hate About You, Working Girl, French Kiss, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.


Suzanne Evans

Suzanne Evans is looking for hot Highlander and Viking historical romance and teen contemporary romance with a dark tone and deep subject matter.


Tracy Montoya

Tracy Montoya is particularly seeking contemporaries or YA/NA with signature voices (deep emotion + humor is welcome across all our lines). She loves modern-day fairy tales, strong heroines, spy or military suspense, and historical suspense. She also has a deep and unabiding love for “space opera” sci-fi (think Honor Harrington). She’d welcome more writers of color.


Wendy Chen

I’m looking for contemporary category romances for Bliss, Lovestruck or Indulgence. My favorite stories are enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, relationships of convenience, but I’m open to any that have the right balance of conflict and chemistry.


About Author

3 Replies on Editor Wish List for Fall and Winter 2015-2016

  • Attn: Alycia Tornetta and Stephen Morgan,

    I’d love to submit a query letter, synopsis, and sample of my #ya #scifi novel: BLOOD TOWERS. I do not yet have an agent, but am actively querying for one.

    In a nutshell, BLOOD TOWERS is a love triangle set in the early 22nd century in four suspended towers hovering over the North Pole, operated by a French scientist named Killian Klems. He uses mood enhancement drugs to alter core temperaments in his participants, who think they’re voluntarily attending an academic clinic to ensure their acceptance to an ivy league college. The four towers: Sanguine, Melancholic, Choleric, and Phlegmatic house participants for the competition (the one London Tanes has been offered $1,000,000 for if he wins). Each tower has its own color and symbol– respectively: yellow/air, blue/earth, red/fire, and green/water.

    At first, it’s Jane Klems showing interest in London Tanes (the final participant “chosen” out of 400 recruits), but then Daisy enters the picture, as the librarian/sports therapist. Then there’s a quickie engagement between Jane and Daddy’s assistant, Hans, to appease Killian’s clamor for control. London goes back and forth between Jane and Daisy, trying to let them figure out what they really want. He’s only 16, so he’s not too worried about all of the relationship details– just mostly trying to enjoy the ride, while not dying inside the yellow tower.

    Am I able to get a sample of my writing to you without an agent? I know publishing houses have a variety of preferences. So I wanted to get the next step from you.

    BLOOD TOWERS is my second novel. My first, self published novel was adult fiction/fantasy-paranormal: SOUL READER (April, 2015).

    Before delving into fiction, I wrote for Scholastic’s Parent & Child magazine and blog for two years.

    Thanks for your feedback.


    Dianne Bright, M.A.
    (951) 295-6080

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