We Love Bookshelves: Maliha’s Bookshelf

This month we are spotlighting the bookshelves of Entangled readers!


Hi!! I’m 17 and I’ve been reading obsessively for three years now ever since my friend tempted me to the dark side of fantasy and romance and suspense and humor, all contained within words on pages. Reading has not only helped me improve in English, but it also has given me so many incredible experiences I wouldn’t have experienced so soon in life. I’m addicted to reading and I can’t imagine a day in my future when I’m not reading or writing, or thinking about reading and writing.


As you can see in the picture(s), the first shelf has some books with those ‘facts to know’ content and my favorite shows. The second shelf has all the books I own, hence it’s my favorite of course. The third contains some books from aforementioned friend – I’m safekeeping them temporarily. In built shelves on walls have the advantage of not taking up extra space, and it’s located perfectly close to my bed which makes reading time amazingly lazy and enjoyable. And let’s ignore the New Moon board game tucked in the corner, okay? I used to be a huge Twilight obsessed fan at the age of 13. Edward Cullen has ruined book heroes for me though – male protagonists get bonus points from me just for keeping their virtue until they meet the right girl, or in the case of books, the ‘heroine’.



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