Holiday Baking – Gooey Bars with Robin Bielman

Fall into Bliss

Hi everyone! Happy Bliss week! I’m kicking things off with one of my family’s favorite holiday recipes: Gooey Bars. Although, I confess to making these during the year too because they’re so yummy.

I found this cookie bar recipe written on a faded piece of paper in a book of recipes my mom had. She’d never made them and I thought I’d give it a try. That was many years ago and this has become a favorite and treasured recipe. Everybody—and I mean everybody—loves them. So, during this time of year when we get together with family and friends, I’m always asked to make a pan—or two—for dessert.

I rarely share the recipe because it’s become my special thing, but I thought I’d share it with you guys. (Shh… let’s keep it between us, okay?) I hope you’ll make them sometime in the coming weeks and then let me know how you and your family liked them. You can catch me on Twitter, FB and Instagram. 🙂

Gooey Bars

For the bottom layer you’ll need:

1 egg

1 box yellow cake mix (I also use lemon and chocolate.)

1 cube butter, melted

Mix together and pat into the bottom of a greased 9×13 pan.

For the top layer you’ll need:

2 eggs, beaten

1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese, softened

1 box/bag (1 lb.) powdered sugar

Beat together for 5 minutes at medium speed. The batter will be thick and gooey. Pour over the bottom layer.

Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. (Check doneness with a toothpick – sometimes the middle takes a little longer to bake.) After you take the pan out of the oven, sprinkle with additional powdered sugar. The filling might fall after taking from the oven but that’s okay!

These are best if made the day before you want to serve them. I usually make them at night and then let them sit in the pan (covered) until the morning. I’ve found that makes cutting them easier. If they’re not completely cool, it’s difficult to cut them without their gooeyness getting everywhere.


Happy November!

And be sure to come back every day this week for posts from Jennifer Shirk, Cindi Madsen, Opelia London and Anna Banks!

We hope you enjoy the gooey bars! And don’t forget all of Robin’s Bliss books are on sale for $.99 each! Check them out here.

Secret Wishes series by Robin Bielman

And check out the other Bliss titles for more flirty fun!


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