The Silver Strand Series by Lexi Scott, Official Trailer

Are you ready for a trip to the beach?

Check out the trailer reveal for the Silver Strand series by Lexi Scott!



Get Hide Me, Book #1, now!



About the Hide Me (Book 1):

Sometimes it’s easier to run…


Ripped apart by guilt and grief, nineteen-year-old Whit Conrad grabs her stuff and runs from her super-conservative home and family in Pennsylvania and hauls ass for sunny California. All she wants is escape. Now she has a craptastic apartment, a job at a tattoo parlour, and even a friend-who’s-mostly-benefits. Then she meets a sexy, inked, surfer-dude who has the potential of capsizing everything…


Deo Beckett is adrift. Underemployed and over-boozing, Deo knows he should be doing something more with his life. Being something more. All it takes is a pin-up hottie with a smart mouth—and a bruised soul—to force Deo to start looking below the surface. To wonder if there’s more to life than being a beach bum. Now he’s falling for Whit…and hard.


But Whit ran from home for a reason, and she’ll go to any lengths to keep Deo from learning the truth…

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