Under the Mistletoe with Ophelia London

Under Mistletoe
Hey there! I’m Ophelia London. I write adult, new adult and young adult, and I’m so happy to be on the Entangled blog to talk all things smexy Christmas! There are so many wonderful things about the holiday season. The chilly weather, the fashion (I love layers and boots!), the food (eggnog and cheese logs, anyone?), the wintry decorations, time with family…I could go on and on.

Favorite Holiday Song: I Saw Mommy (Spring) Kissing Santa Claus (Henry)

Favorite Holiday Food: Egg Nog

What’s your favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

One of the things I love most about this time of year is the music. Something about being indoors a lot and being cold and you’re pretty much forced to snuggle up. Since I made a whole playlist of make-out songs for my book DEFINITELY, MAYBE IN LOVE, obviously sexy songs have been on my mind. Which got me to thinking…are Christmas songs allowed to be sexy? Of course!

Here are some of my favorite romantic holiday songs.

We’ll start with the standard: “Baby, It’s Cold Outside.” There are tons of versions of this song. Sara Bareilles and Ben Folds recorded a really cool one last year, but tried and true, my favorite version is still the one by Esther Williams and Richardo Montalban from the movie “Neptune’s Daughter.” The vocals aren’t great but hello, it’s Richardo Montalban…

I’ll just throw this out there: Anything by Elvis. But if I have to choose one, I’d say “Merry Christmas, Baby.” He talks about presents, growls about making out under the mistletoe. Plus, ya know, it’s Elvis.

Love me some Michael Buble, too. Smexiest of his might be “All I Want for Christmas.” First of all, his voice is all melty and dreamy, second, his version kick’s Mariah Carey’s overplay ass, lastly, the image of MB waiting for a kiss under the mistletoe makes me happy.

What’s your least favorite thing about the winter holiday season?

Putting away all the decorations. It can be a little depressing, right? I wish America celebrated Boxing Day like in the UK. That might help the “day after blues.”

About Definitely, Maybe in Love

Hero’s Name: Herny Edward Knightly, the third

Heroine’s Name: Spring Honeycutt

What would the perfect gift your hero would give your heroine and why?

Spring is always on the lookout for ways to save the planet. A surefire way for Henry to win her heart would be if he got involved in an environmental project. Or, if he happened to show up on her doorstep Christmas morning wearing nothing but Greenpeace boxers, Spring would melt all over that!

What would the perfect gift your heroine would give your hero and why?

I think Henry would be on board for Spring in nothing but those Greenpeace boxers, too…

Where would your hero or heroine secretly hang some mistletoe to catch an extra special holiday kiss and why?

Since they’re study partners at Stanford, their special study room at the library would be pretty handy for some surprise mistletoe. Not that they’d need it!

Share an excerpt of your favorite kissing scene between these two characters.

I reached out and took his face. The touch made a wave of uncontrollable longing crash over my head, which normally would have made me want to run away. But not this time. There were no words I could offer. Words seemed to get me in trouble anyway. Actions were called for now, so I held onto him with everything I had and pushed myself forward, finally ready to face
the unknown.
“Yes?” he whispered, looking surprised.
I grinned. “Yeah.”




Find out more about Definitely, Maybe in Love

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