Behind the Book with Susan Meier

9781633751064_500I have to admit that I get to do a lot of fun things as an author. ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t just work in my pajamas and avoid traffic jams on snowy winter mornings. I also get to do some great research. Once I toured a candy factory. I’ve been to ski resorts and funeral homes. I talked with professional chefs and watched YouTube videos to learn how to bake cakes.

My job can be extremely fun.

But nothing is as gratifying as when a story that has been haunting you for years finally takes shape.

That’s what happened with CHASING THE RUNAWAY BRIDE. I’d had this story in my head for years. Probably ten. But it just wouldn’t gel. The problem was in the original versions Cade was an orphan. Once I gave him brothers and made him part of the Donovan clan, suddenly everything made sense.

Not only was he a sexy guy any woman would want wooing her, but also he was part of a dynasty of sorts. There’s nothing sexier than that.

Especially to someone like Piper O’Riley who has left two grooms at the altar and is working to find a place she fits, a way to mend her reputation.

I think, at some time in all of our lives, we feel boxed out. Whether it’s by something of our own doing, choices like the ones Piper made, or just a life change there are times when we all feel we donโ€™t fit. Friends move away or get different jobs. The new job we get is filled with people we don’t know. Our best-friend neighbor moves. Or we move into a neighborhood that isn’t exactly friendly.

Whatever the reason, we’ve all felt that sense of not belonging that Piper O’Riley has. And we can identify with her longing just to belong.

Who’d have thought that dating the least likely bachelor, a man everybody knows will never settle down, would give her that sense of home that she’s searched for her whole life.

There’s a lot of great stuff in this book. Humor. Sexy flirting. A family drama. And a romance that will take your breath away.

The book is $.99 for a limited time. Grab a copy. I think it’s a fun, emotional story that you’ll love. ๐Ÿ™‚


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