Her Hot Number: An Escape To Paradise ~Talia Hunter

Her Hot Number by Talia HunterMy favorite books are the ones that pick me up and carry me off to exotic locations. It might be pelting down with freezing hail outside, but my eReader always holds pages of bright, warm sunshine. I’m never happier than when I can ignore all my household chores in favor of a novel where the men ripple with muscles, true love springs from a chance meeting next to the swimming pool, and dinner is served by a handsome waiter. As I’m transported into the book world, the cup of tea I’m sipping becomes an ice-cold margarita and my cat-hair-covered sofa is magically transformed into a comfy sun lounger next to the ocean.

If reading is a glorious escape from the routine of daily office work and housework, writing is even more so. There’s a reason I’ve never written a book set in my home town. Far better to spend as much time as I can in tropical islands under gently waving palm trees – even if it is just in my imagination! Her Hot Number is set in the Whitsundays in tropical Queensland, Australia, a place I’ve visited several times, and I loved getting to write about it. It felt like I was stepping off the plane again to enjoy an extended holiday in the sun.

Even better was that writing the book allowed me to combine a gorgeous island resort with one of the things I love to do most, ride on a Jet Ski. For a brief, wonderful time, Hubby and I owned a Jet Ski, and on sunny, still days we’d pack a picnic, and roar off to a deserted beach. There was nothing better than unpacking a bottle of wine and some lovely fresh bread on a sandy beach with nobody else in sight. Those memories are some of my most precious, and as I wrote about the experience, I got to relive them.

Writing Her Hot Number was a dream escape for me, as I got to combine two things I love. Hopefully I’ve bought both the Whitsunday islands and the thrill of riding a Jet Ski to life for my readers, so you can feel the warm spray of the waves as you zoom across the sparkling blue sea with the arms around the waist of your gorgeous lover.

Now… where did I put that margarita?

 About the Book

One bad boy billionaire plus one sexy geek equals one hot fling.

It’s a travel nightmare for mathematician Caylee Reynolds. It’s bad enough that her luggage was lost en route to her conference, but when she arrives at the Australian resort and learns that she’s also lost her reservation, Caylee’s ready to break down. Then things get even worse. The resort is owned by Blake Sampson―the bad boy who once took everything from her…

Blake thought he’d left his troubled past far behind him. Then the sexy-but-proper math guru he’s never been able to forget walks into his lobby. Hoping to show Caylee he’s changed, he offers to share his suite. Except the attraction between them only grows in such close quarters―exponentially. 

Even though Blake’s incredibly successful—and hot—Caylee’s not sure she can risk her heart again. Not after the way he destroyed her trust when he disappeared years ago. But if she’s wrong in her calculations, she could lose everything…

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