The Teen Council

You have a voice. You matter. And we want to hear from you!

If you’re a teen who loves to read and has a strong opinion, if you want to be ‘inside the boardroom’ at Entangled Publishing, if you want something different and unique to make your college application stand out, or if you just want to be part of something amazing and forward-thinking… the Entangled Teen Council could be for you.

We’re looking for eight to ten teens, ages 15-19, to be part of an exclusive Teen Council with Entangled Publishing. As part of this incredibly exclusive council, you’ll have the opportunity to look at books at the acquisition level and give your thoughts and opinions, you’ll get together in a virtual chat room and Yahoo! email loop with your fellow council members to discuss what’s popular in Teen and New Adult fiction, and you’ll help guide the direction of our Teen and New Adult imprints from acquisition to publication. You’ll also have the opportunity to sit in on open board meetings with our editorial directors and staff and learn how your favorite books eventually reach the bookshelves.


If you’ve ever thought about a career in publishing, or you’re just an avid reader who’d like to have their voice heard, the Entangled Teen Council may be just for you!

We’re looking for young, avid readers who aren’t afraid to share their opinions in a group setting. We may not always take your advice, but we can promise we’ll always listen!

To apply, simply fill out the form below.


 * Due to the subject matter in some of our teen novels, we’ve restricting the age to 15-19 at this time.

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6 Replies on The Teen Council

  • Why do you have to be between 15-19? There are teenagers that are younger, but could still hold their own on the council because of their maturity level and eloquent opinions.

  • Hello! I’m 15 years old and am from a small island in Canada and reading has been my escape for years. I think I’d be a shoe in because I most certainly am the type of person to put in a word or two if I like or hate something, I’ve actually always found yawls wanting to create a blog for the critic side of me. For my career when I’m older I hope to be a writer and would adore the indies look into the whole business of things. I think I’d be a good addition to this group and look forward to hearing your feedback.

  • I would really love to join this! It would be a dream come true, but I have a feeling it is only for Americans, sadly I am Australian 🙁

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