Behind the Book with Victoria James and The Billionaire’s Christmas Baby

Behind the BookHappy Holidays to Old Friends and New…

Last Christmas was a very special one for me-my very first published book, The Billionaire’s Christmas Baby hit the virtual shelves. Earlier that year, the book was sold to Entangled’s Indulgence line and I remember being so ecstatic that my beloved characters were finding a home-and for Christmas! This was extra special for me, because I adore the holidays and having my debut book be all about the magic of the season was a dream come true.

This year I’m thrilled that Entangled Indulgence is re-issuing The Billionaire’s Christmas Baby and I was given the privilege of writing a ‘Dear Reader’ letter in this edition. In the letter I was able to express my thanks and a little of the inspiration behind the book.

The hero, Jackson Pierce and the heroine, Hannah Woods were two characters that evolved in my mind one holiday season. I was counting my blessings, surrounded by my loved ones and I starting wondering about how much of who I am today was shaped by my upbringing. I was always surrounded by loving family and extended family and Christmas was always a time of celebration. But what if the holidays had never held any importance and I hadn’t had any family at all? Or what if I knew the joys of the holidays only to have them ripped away by tragedy? Would I persevere and find joy again? Would I cut myself off from the world and the possibility of love?

TBCB.James500I’m always humbled by people who have to face great adversity and then find that inner strength to go on and find happiness, success, and love. But that is an enormous feat and it requires great courage.

Jackson Pierce is a self-made millionaire (well, technically a billionaire I guess ;-). He’s tough, all-business on the outside, because that’s the only way he’s managed to cope with the tragedy in his life. In the past he’s loved-very deeply-and was burned. Jackson wants nothing to do with the holidays…until Hannah Woods, a woman who holds a key to his past barges in on him during a blizzard…with a baby. Hannah is a woman who has never known the love of a family, but holds hope and the magic of the season in her heart. She’s courageous and determined and is willing to break all the rules in the name of justice. Hannah challenges all of Jackson’s beliefs and pretty soon these two find themselves both yielding to the inner longings they both share…

There’s something about the magic of the season-the pure, unadulterated joy in children’s faces, in the pristine blankets of white snow, and the gathering of loved ones that can melt even the iciest of hearts.

Jackson and Hannah were my first hero and heroine and their story was my first published book, thanks to Entangled publishing. I’m so thrilled that I get to share the magic of the season with them-and you-this Christmas!

Happy Holidays!


Learn more about Victoria’s other books HERE.


Download The Billionaire’s Christmas Baby:


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