Ivy Entwined by Laura Simcox Blog Tour & Giveaway

Ivy Entwined by Laura Simcox.
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When Ivy Callahan returns to her hometown as mayor, she doesn’t expect much to have changed. But now her ex-fiancé is the town planner, the biggest business is closed, and the only store interested in Celebration, NY is a Megamart. On top of it all, the liaison for the big, bad, box store is Marcus Weaver, her childhood crush. And he’s still as dangerously delectable as ever.

Marcus unwillingly spent his teens in Celebration with his vindictive, drunken uncle. As far as Marcus is concerned, the town’s only use is to cement his rise up the corporate ladder. He needs that Megamart opened, and Ivy is his ticket. But the sexy, stubborn mayor could also be his downfall.

As the unemployed townspeople put on the pressure, Ivy needs to do something. With a fresh downtown-renewal project in the works, Ivy could stop Marcus and his Megamart before they kill the town’s spirit. But with sparks flying between Ivy and Marcus, they each need to decide what’s more important: their careers or their hearts.

Ivy Entwined by Laura Simcox is here! If you’re looking for a fresh, cute romance to end your summer with, this is it. Follow the blog tour to find out more about Ivy Entwined and make sure to enter the awesome giveaway below!

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Blog Tour Schedule

8/26:  Spotlight – Deal Sharing Aunt
8/30: Guest Post – Fantasy Floosies
9/3:  Spotlight – Indie Authors Books and More
9/4:  Spotlight – Melissa Kendall
9/4:  2nd stop – Interview – Vivi Dumas
9/5:  Guest blog/review – In the Name of Books
9/6:  Guest blog and review – Romantic Reads and Such
9/9:  Spotlight – Book Reviews and More
9/16:  Guest post – Penny’s Tales
9/17:  Interview – Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews
9/19:  Spotlight – Inside the World of Books
9/20:  Spotlight – Bootheel Cotton Patch
9/23:  Spotlight – Daryl Devore
9/24:  Spotlight – You Gotta Read Reviews
9/25:  Interview – Becky Moe
9/26:  Spotlight – Rose & Beps Blog
9/27:  Interview – In Shadows
9/30:  Guest Blog – Ramblings From This Chick

After spending twenty years in professional theater as a costume designer, Laura abandoned the nomadic lifestyle to sit in a comfy pleather office chair at a beat up ginormous second hand oak desk and write. The result? Romance novels! Her favorite thing ever since she was, oh, about twelve. She is thrilled to be counted among the romance authors of this world and enjoys reading all genres. She writes contemporary, light novels and enjoys creating quirky characters and funny dialogue. Sometimes it’s even juvenile dialogue, but hey, who couldn’t use a dose of silly humor every now and then? Still, the love story is the focus and Laura has a huge soft spot for a sappy, happy ending.

Laura lives in North Carolina with her husband (true love is real!!!) and her adorable, high energy four year old son who is currently obsessed with pirates. And that’s cool, because she loves ’em too. Laura is thrilled to be represented by Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency.

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