Meet The Bachelors!



The Indulgence Dating Game takes place tonight but we wanted to take a moment to introduce the bachelors! If you don’t know about the event, you can find out all about it on this page.

Now, let’s get to know our bachelors a little better!


Bachelor #1

Age: 33

Work: In finance but has left it to manage a marina on an Italian island


  • Six two
  • Dark hair—short in the beginning of the book.. but grows to be longer and curly as the book progresses and he chills!
  • Slim but muscular
  • Tanned skin
  • Deep blue eyes
  • A gold earring late in the book but no tattoos!


Bachelor #2

He is tall, dark, and built like an underwear model. He’s six feet of hard muscle, with broad shoulders and tight arms. His close-clipped black hair emphasizes his stark bone structure and intriguing pale green eyes. His mouth always holds an inviting curve, and his strong jaw is perpetually shadowed with sexy stubble. He’s 28, a successful New York City chef, who loves to please…


Bachelor #3

  • 6 “1 ish
  • Dark hair, dark eyes, scruffy
  • prefers t-shirts and jeans
  • born and raised in the Manhattan bar scene and has a clipped New York accent
  • Ivy league educated
  • CEO and majority shareholder of the Double Shot bar chain
  • He’s a no-frills minimalist with a dry sense of humor, takes his responsibilities seriously, is a protector and his biggest fear is he’s going to turn into a mean drunk like his father
  • Biggest weakness is his best friend’s little sister


Bachelor #4

He is in his mid thirties and lives in Michigan. He is the CEO of Castle Engineering. He’s a little over 6 foot tall, has chocolate brown eyes and hair with a slight wave when wet He’s the stereotypical YUMMY man and is tall, dark and handsome. And he has an amazing set of biceps…YOWZA 🙂

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