The Blood Code Blog Tour!

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The Blood Code blog tour kicks off today! Misty Evans will be visiting blogs with fun interviews, guest posts, features, reviews, excerpts, and great giveaways!

Official Tour Stops

6/17/2013            So Many Reads

6/18/2013            Notes From A Romantic’s Heart

6/19/2013            Reading Between the Wines

6/20/2013            Going in Circles

6/21/2013            Storey Book Reviews

6/24/2013            In My Humble Opinion

6/25/2013            The Flirty Reader

6/26/2013            Meredith’s Musings

6/26/2013            Paranormal Book Club  

6/28/2013            Reading on the Rocks    


The Blood Code 1600



Fifteen years ago, Anya Radzoya fled Russia with her grandmother after the suspicious deaths of her parents, but she can’t escape the royal genes that make her one of Russia’s last living princesses. When President Ivanov blackmails her into returning to Moscow to be his future wife in exchange for her grandmother’s life, Anya discovers he’s planning to unleash a nuclear war. With no one else to turn to, she join forces with CIA operative Ryan Smith.

Undercover at the nuclear summit, Ryan is happy to recruit Anya to find proof Ivanov is resurrecting the Cold War, but he suspects his new asset is a double agent. Anya is determined to rescue her grandmother with or without his help, however, and Ryan finds himself falling for the beautiful princess before he even trusts her. He refuses to let her go it alone, even if it means risking his own critical mission.

Trapped inside the Kremlin with a cunning and ruthless opponent, the two must risk their lives and their hearts to save Anya’s grandmother, as well as millions of innocent people.

Title: The Blood Code (A Super Agent Novel)
Author: Misty Evans
Genre: Contemporary Suspense
Length: 250 pages
Release Date: June 2013
ISBN: 978-1622660995
Imprint: Entangled Edge


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About Author

6 Replies on The Blood Code Blog Tour!

  • What was your inspiration/motivation for writing in this genre? My dad and I used to watch Bloodsport, Streetfighter, Sudden Death and Lion Heart (all with Jean Claude Van Damme…I know I’m lame, but he is my favorite! And all of those movies were action with a romance undertone!) and that’s what kick-started my fondness of action-and-romance-oriented books and movies.

    • Hi Lauren!

      I started writing the first book in the series, Operation Sheba, after 9/11. Watching CNN constantly, I became interested in terrorism, the CIA, and undercover operations. From there, I started reading lots of nonfiction books, and one day had the inspiration for a group of spies. I wrote the first book in three months and was hooked on writing romantic suspense with spies and military heroes.

      I watched all those Van Damme movies too! My hubs loved those. My favorite are the Bond and Bourne movies. Oh, and I love the Die Hard movies, even though Bruce Willis’ character is a NYC cop, rather than a spy. 🙂

    • Thank you, Yadira! It was an intriguing book to write. The first where my hero and heroine were stuck and under 24/7 surveillance. Not easy finding ways for them to meet. Thank goodness the Kremlin has lots of hidden passageways and an underground bunker. LOL.

  • Just finished The Blood Code and reviewed it on GoodReads! It was one of the best romantic suspense novels I have read. Anya and Ryan were FANTASTIC! Her supporting characters were great too…even Ivan! I have not read the first three in the series but will now go back and do so and even though this was the fourth in the series as a stand alone it was a wonderful read. Kudos to Misty Evans!!!!!!

    • Brenda! Thank you so much! I’m thrilled you loved it, and I can’t express how much it means to me that you gave it an excellent review on Goodreads. Word of mouth is the best advertisement an author can get. :)Please let me know what you think of the other books when you have a chance to read them!

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